Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Excess TV Show Offering Is Now A Source Of Anxiety

Excess TV Show Offering Is Now A Source Of Anxiety    

Screen Junkies Record The Shows On PVR But Don’t Have The Time To Watch Them    

Excess offer in TV channels is now a source of anxiety. There now endless possibilities that fill the screen, with shows being broadcasted at the same time, so one must set up the PVR. According to specialists, this almost infinite number of possibilities results in a lower satisfaction of the show being viewed. It is similar to digital music stored on a portable player: while listening to one song, one keeps thinking about the songs he is not listening to. Also, the PVR is not the definitive answer – if the shows are recorded because there is no time to watch them, looking for time to watch them gets more difficult. Click here for more info.


A Plant-Based Diet Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Acid Reflux And A Good Mood

A Plant-Based Diet Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Acid Reflux And A Good Mood    

It Also Increases Productivity And Helps With Diabetes    

Plant-based diets consist of getting most of the daily nutrients from plans instead of eggs, meat and refined foods such as flour or oil. According to specialists, it has multiple advantages such as lower blood pressure, BMI and cholesterol levels. It can also increase the level of antioxidants, regulate blood sugar and increase the level of nutrients responsible for mood enhancing, resulting in a better overall mood and productivity. It also helps with acid reflux, diabetes and sleep apnea, among others. Additional info click here.


Not A Morning Person? These Tips Will Boost Your Mood Since You Wake Up

Not A Morning Person? These Tips Will Boost Your Mood Since You Wake Up    

Listening To Music, Meditation, And A Workout Will Help You Enjoy Your Morning    

Some people are just not morning persons. They have a better mood and are more productive in the afternoon. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to do morning tasks, like going waking up and going to work. However, there are ways to deal with it, such as playing music, which releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, the feel-good chemical. Another way is to meditate, and there are some apps that can help with this. A good breakfast at home is also helpful, especially if to can brew your own coffee. Going to the gym and reading the morning news also works. Check all the tips for boosting your mood if you’re not a morning person. More Information click here.


How To Avoid Taking The Job Stress To Home

How To Avoid Taking The Job Stress To Home    

Disconnecting Yourself From The Job    

There are people who take their pending work to finish it there. However, there are other cases in which people take home their stress and anxiety from the office and are unable to switch off. One way to disconnect is to practice mindfulness at home or even at the commute. Also, check your list of pending books to read and turn off your phone – don’t get interrupted by calls, instant message or check the latest Facebook page. Click here for more information.


Monday, December 30, 2019

Anxiety Or Depression Can Be A Symptom Of An Undiagnosed Health Condition

Anxiety Or Depression Can Be A Symptom Of An Undiagnosed Health Condition    

Patients With Anxiety Can Have A Cardiovascular Disease Or Even Cancer    

Anxiety or depression is a mental issue. However, it can show itself as a symptom of an undiagnosed health condition, such as cardiac arrhythmias, pancreatic cancer or sleep apnea. The problem is that medical doctors can recognize symptoms related to their specialty, but sometimes fail to identify mental conditions related to a certain illness. On the other side, psychiatrists can detect mental conditions, but fail to identify clinical conditions that can be related to them. Check the full list of health conditions. Additional information click here.


These Signs Can Show If A Person Is Smarter Than Most People

These Signs Can Show If A Person Is Smarter Than Most People    

Early Readers, Anxious People And Taking Early Music Lessons Are Among Them    

IQ is not a sign of intelligence, but it is the rate at which one can acquire information. There are many signs of a high IQ. One of them is anxiety, which has a positive side. Anxious people are better focused and effective at executing tasks. Also, early readers have been linked to better brain development, the same as taking early music lessons. Check all the signs that can show that you are smarter. More details click here.


Effective Ways To Control Social Anxiety

Effective Ways To Control Social Anxiety    

Among Them Are Exposure-Based Therapy, Mental Visualization And Repeating A Mantra    

Social anxiety consists of an extreme fear of being judged in social situations, which affects the sufferer’s behavior, tending to avoid people. There are ways to deal with it, such as exposure-based therapies, using mental visualization, alternate nostril breathing, and even picking a mantra or slogan, which can be religious or related to self-help. Other ways id to stop caring about what other people think, and rewarding yourself if you used one of these methods successfully. Check all the techniques. Click here for more details.


Scientifically-Backed Ways To Get Rid Of Anxiety

Scientifically-Backed Ways To Get Rid Of Anxiety    

Among These Are Improving A Job On The Go And Avoid Constantly Checking For Errors    

Handling things and events in life, or coping, in the correct way will help decreasing anxiety levels. One way, which might sound strange, is to avoid spending too much time in decisions and jump into action, even if it’s done badly. This even gives the opportunity to make corrections and fine tune it afterward. The idea is not oriented to performing a mediocre job, but to improve it on the go. Also, do not check constantly on the errors you make, but forgive them and correct them. Additional details click here.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Yoga, Meditation, And Tai-Chi Can Reroute DNA Processes

Yoga, Meditation, And Tai-Chi Can Reroute DNA Processes    

This Reroute Improves Well-Being And Prevents Inflammation    

One of the techniques for lowering stress and anxiety are yoga, meditation, and tai chi. These activities are also called mind-body interventions, and studies have shown that they leave a molecular signature, which reverses the harmful effects of stress, specifically if it's related to inflammation. They cause the brain to route the DNA processes along a path that improves the body’s well-being. Also, these activities result in perceiving the situations in a different way, experience less stress and preventing the production of inflammatory proteins. More Information click here.


OCD Related To Brain Inflammation

OCD Related To Brain Inflammation    

This Breakthrough Opens The Possibility Of New Treatments    

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is related to repeat certain rituals or behaviors, and the fear and anxiety that can result if these rituals are not performed. Among these are checking all the door locks and light switches. Studies have shown that OCD sufferers he high levels of brain inflammation. This opens the possibility for new treatments because actually OCD drugs treatments only work in 60% of the patients. Additional info click here.


Stress And Anxiety Is Worse For Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases

Stress And Anxiety Is Worse For Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases    

It Can Increase The Odds Of Premature Death    

Stress and anxiety are responsible for poor health conditions. It can get even worse: the patient has four times the probability of mortality from a heart condition if there is also cardiovascular disease. These patients can also find death in other stressful situations, such as earthquakes, and other natural disasters, or even a sudden loss, divorce or job stress. Click here for more info.


Stress And Anxiety Can Lead To Skin Conditions

Stress And Anxiety Can Lead To Skin Conditions    

Among The Signs Are Eye Bags, Rashes, And Brittle Nails    

Stress has consequences in the body. The most common is an uneasiness in the stomach. However, it can show also in the skin. According to specialists, happy emotions increase the blood flow, tighten the facial muscles and clear the skin. On the other hand, negative emotions, such as stress and anxiety, led to eye bags, rashes, dry skin, flushed face, and fine lines. Other sighs are acne, brittle nails, and psoriasis, among others. More info click here.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essential Oils Can Fight Anxiety In Several Ways

Essential Oils Can Fight Anxiety In Several Ways    

The Nerve Endings In The Nose Connect The Smell Directly With The Hypothalamus    

Many people say that anxiety can be fought by just breathing calmly. This is because inhaling and exhaling have a positive effect. Essential oils can enhance this effect, calming down that constant activity in the mind. Smells and aromas work this way because the nerve endings in the nose are directly connected to the hypothalamus, which produces the hormones in charge of emotional reactions. Among these oils are rosemary, lavender, and marjoram, which relieves stress, provides relaxation and reduces muscles stress. Check all the list of essential oils and its benefits. Additional details click here.


Baby Monitors May Increase The Anxiety Of Young Parents

Baby Monitors May Increase The Anxiety Of Young Parents    

Every Sound May Result In An Overreaction    

Young parents have additional demands. It is not only the job but also the newborn babies. Most consider the baby monitor as a way to know exactly what is happening in the child’s room without actually being there. However, there are cases in which it might the main cause of anxiety. Every sound the parent listens through the baby monitor can be considered as a worst-case scenario and the parent reacts to it. Unknown sounds can even sound like a kidnapping. The worse part comes when there is no sound at all and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome comes to the mind. These results in paranoia and overreaction in parents which increases their anxiety. Click here for more details.


Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium

Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium    

Magnesium Deficiency Might Result In Migraines, Insomnia, And Anxiety    

If you are dreaming about chocolates, it may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Dark chocolate, with a high percentage of cocoa, is a source of magnesium. This mineral is fundamental for many body processes, such as a proper nerve and muscle functioning. Lack of magnesium might lead to migraines, insomnia, anxiety, difficulty to concentrate and extreme fatigue. More details click here.


Ketamine Can Treat Depression Patients With Poor Response To Normal Drugs

Ketamine Can Treat Depression Patients With Poor Response To Normal Drugs    

The Drug Works Quickly And Improves The Mood    

Sometimes, there are patients that do not have results with the usual depression medication. These patients could be treated with ketamine, which is normally used as an anesthetic. According to experts, this drug works quickly and improves the mood in patients that have not had the expected result with normal depression treatments. However, it is not widely available yet due to little research as well as the lack of information on long-term side effects. Additional information click here.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Writing On Paper Your Daily Goals And A Motivational Routine Will Lower Work Stress

Writing On Paper Your Daily Goals And A Motivational Routine Will Lower Work Stress    

Try These Strategies If You Feel You Are Losing Control At Work    

Job-based anxiety is usually related to the possibility of layoffs of being left outside the loop. As a result, people are working more hours and take fewer vacations. This can lead to higher productivity, but also higher burnout risk. One way to avoid this is to rewire the brain and acquire control. There are various strategies, such as adopting a motivational routine before beginning a task in order to encourage yourself. Also, write down the daily goals, but write them on paper because it helps people remember things better, according to psychologists. Check all the strategies. More info click here.


There Is Now Scientific Evidence That Moderate Exercise Results In A Fit Brain

There Is Now Scientific Evidence That Moderate Exercise Results In A Fit Brain    

In A Short Time, Specialists May Be Talking About Prescription Exercise    

There is new scientific evidence that exercise results in a fit brain for people over 50. For example, moderate cardio for 45 minutes or resistance training improves the cognitive function. Cardio included walking briskly, running, hiking, even dancing. Tai Chi resulted in better memory. Also, there were improvements even in elderly patients with early dementia. Yoga was not included in the study, but alternate studies have also shown benefits resulting in lower anxiety. Additional details click here.


Anxiety Can Be Contagious - Don’t Let It Contaminate You

Anxiety Can Be Contagious - Don’t Let It Contaminate You    

Anxiety is contagious. Interacting with a person with stress or anxiety will increase the levels of cortisol. Also, interacting with a depressed person might also depress the other person. If a person is anxious, they want to make the other person anxious, to justify the anxiety. However, this can lead to bad decision-making for the other person. This is why persons tend to avoid people with negative thoughts. Click here for more info.


Getting Diet Anxiety Under Control

Getting Diet Anxiety Under Control    

We have talked about several types of anxiety. There is also food anxiety, which is related to diet and avoiding any tasty fried or sugary food. However, an occasional piece of cake should not shame the person who is breaking his diet. There are ways to deal with these temptations, like forgetting the words guilt and shame when thinking about food, using deep breaths to activate the willpower and put a delay on the food temptation, giving the brain time to evaluate if it’s really worth it. More details click here.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Anxiety And Phobias Can Be Treated Using Virtual Reality

Anxiety And Phobias Can Be Treated Using Virtual Reality    

Virtual reality has been related to games and entertainment. However, it has increased in popularity with the use of smartphones, which has opened the door for other uses. A research team is using it to treat anxiety, addictions, and phobias, such as fear of flying and other exposure therapies. Additional details click here.


Do You Have Fear Of Flying? This Advice Will Help Overcome It

Do You Have Fear Of Flying? This Advice Will Help Overcome It    

Fear of flying is real and can even result in panic attacks aboard the plane. However, there are ways to deal with it. The first one is to know how it originated – it can be a turbulent flight as a child or teenager, being lost at the terminal as a child, or even movies related to plane crashes. Also, replace the fear by the excitement of arriving at a new destination from vacations, or a business or job opportunity. Check all the advice to control the fear of flying. Click here for more information.


New Treatment For Anxiety And Depression Based On Living Near Nature And Birds

New Treatment For Anxiety And Depression Based On Living Near Nature And Birds    

According to a study, living near nature, in places surrounded by plants and birds, has had a positive effect on treating anxiety and depression. This motivates the patients to go outside, because, according to another study, staying indoors increases depression. More info click here.


Feeling Anxious? This Advice Will Help You Control It

Feeling Anxious? This Advice Will Help You Control It    

If you suffer from anxiety, chances are that it interferes with your life.  There are ways to handle it, such as understand what anxiety is really – fear to worst possible scenarios that have not happened. It also gets confused with stress. Stress is when you are overwhelmed with work – anxiety is when you start thinking that you won’t make the deadlines. Check all the advice. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Study: Horror Movies Can Help Identifying The Brain Circuit That Originates Fear And Anxiety

Study: Horror Movies Can Help Identifying The Brain Circuit That Originates Fear And Anxiety    

Horror movies mix several emotions including fear and anxiety to provide the scary effect. A recent study has found that horror scenes can help identify how the brain deals with these emotions and what are the neural pathways. People identify and process fear as a means of survival, but its over-interpretation may lead to anxiety. Checking how the brain operates on a fearful situation may help people to interrupt the circuit that originates anxiety. Click here for more info.


Don’t Want Meds For Anxiety? Try Alternative Activities

Don’t Want Meds For Anxiety? Try Alternative Activities    

Anxiety is usually treated with meds, but sometimes their side effects make it worse. There are other ways to deal with it such as meditation, which will help you get rid of anxious thoughts. Yoga combines deep breathing with postures, or asanas, which tone your body and clear your mind. Essential oils have calming properties. You can also try creative activities, such as painting or writing. Check all the list. More details click here.


Anxiety Is Very Different From Nervousness

Anxiety Is Very Different From Nervousness    

There is a misunderstanding about anxiety. Many people think it is similar to nervousness, however, while nervousness leaves when the stressor withdraws, anxiety keeps ongoing. Also, anxiety has strong physical symptoms, such as a headache, dizziness, and nausea. In anxiety, the body reacts to a state of ”fight or flight”, while nervousness does not provoke this response.  Learn all the differences between nervousness and anxiety. Additional info click here.


Learning About Perfectionism

Learning About Perfectionism    

Perfectionism is a special form of anxiety. People with this issue have very high standards and push themselves to the limit. This has negative effects, such as risking exhaustion, because they spend more time than required for any task. Also, they are inflexible and set standards impossible to achieve. Since these cannot be accomplished, they end with low esteem. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Anxiety And Depression Have Also Positive Aspects

Anxiety And Depression Have Also Positive Aspects    

Even though anxiety and depression tend to affect negatively the wellbeing, there are some encouraging points about it. People with this condition tend to be deep thinkers, think outside the box and have more creativity. In the times of Lincoln, it was normal that brilliant and creative people, like him, has also melancholy (depression). Unfortunately, now there is little tolerance for it. More Information click here.


This Wearable Device Will Help Treat Social Anxiety

This Wearable Device Will Help Treat Social Anxiety    

Researchers have developed an algorithm for a wearable device, which identifies several aspects of a conversation, like pauses, monotony, speech patterns, and associates it with the speaker’s mood. This way they aim to detect if the persons around are suffering from social anxiety and predict the mood of the speaker. Additional details click here.


Brain Scans Help Identify Early Signs On Anxiety And Depression In Newborns

Brain Scans Help Identify Early Signs On Anxiety And Depression In Newborns    

Babies can show signs of sadness, nervousness shyness, and separation anxiety, which have been linked to clinical depression in older children and adults. Analyzing the brain scans of newborns, there are neural pathways that replicate in adults with anxiety and depression, allowing to identify babies with a tendency for these conditions. Click here for more information.


What Is Exam Anxiety?

What Is Exam Anxiety?    

Exams are a source of anxiety in students. However, there are cases in which a real fear shows up, in which stress affects seriously the student’s wellbeing. It is based on the thought that failure will have great consequences, along with the lack of confidence in the ability to pass the test. The cases have increased as a result of the higher frequency of exams. More info click here.


Monday, December 23, 2019

Botox Could Be Used As A Treatment For Social Anxiety

Botox Could Be Used As A Treatment For Social Anxiety    

Botox is known for its uses in cosmetic treatments. It has another use for treating anxiety and depression, in which paralyzing certain muscles in the frown blocks the part of the brain that heightens negative emotions. Current research is trying to demonstrate if the same effect can be obtained in people with social anxiety. Additional information click here.


Anxiety Is Linked To Depression

Anxiety Is Linked To Depression    

Anxiety is linked to depression. This will results in a series of issues, such as an interrupted sleep cycle, preventing the body from getting enough rest. Also, it causes the brain to go into circular thinking, in which the worries cause anxiety, which results in even more worry. Check all the ways anxiety and depression are connected, and how to deal with them. Click here for more information.


Anxiety Can Be Controlled In A Different Way, With These Special Sunglasses

Anxiety Can Be Controlled In A Different Way, With These Special Sunglasses    

There is a new way to handle anxiety, not with drugs or yoga, but with special sunglasses. These glasses are designed to optimize the brain’s inter-hemispheric communication. This allows experiencing the world more accurately and being able to respond more appropriately. Trauma and stress disrupt the internal communication in the brain, not allowing the brain to gather the correct information. Additional details click here.


Hyperhidrosis May Be Related To Anxiety And Depression

Hyperhidrosis May Be Related To Anxiety And Depression    

Hyperhidrosis is closely related to anxiety and depression. This is a condition in which the patient has excessive sweating. The study does not show that one condition is the result of the other, but that both may be related. Treatments include Botox injections in the underarms, and electrical stimulation for hand and feet sweating. More Information click here.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

These Apps Will Help With Anxiety

These Apps Will Help With Anxiety    

There are apps that will help deal with anxiety. One of them connects to a heart rate monitor, in order to have real-time data. Others are oriented to guided meditation and mindfulness. Click here for more details.


Social Anxiety Is Not To Be Confused With Extreme Shyness

Social Anxiety Is Not To Be Confused With Extreme Shyness    

Social anxiety is sometimes confused for extreme shyness. However, it is a condition that causes fear of social interactions and to be judged by others. It can also have physiological symptoms, like a racing heart, trembling and dry mouth. Additional info click here.


Avoiding Anxiety As A Result From Arthritis

Avoiding Anxiety As A Result From Arthritis    

Arthritis is a condition in which affects joints and limits mobility. These issues can also cause mental distress, in the form of stress and anxiety. The arthritis symptoms cause frustration, but there are tips to overcome this, like staying active, checking and treating the pain, and have the right diet to fight inflammation. More details click here.


Anxiety Sensitivity Causes Patients To Magnify The Consequences Of Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety Sensitivity Causes Patients To Magnify The Consequences Of Anxiety Symptoms    

There are people who get anxious about getting anxious. They fear the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as cold sweats, dizziness, high heart rate, shallow breathing, among others. This is known as “Anxiety sensitivity”, and it is a risk factor for depression, and panic disorders because patients magnify the potential consequences of anxiety symptoms. Click here for more info.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Controlling Anxiety In A Traffic Jam

Controlling Anxiety In A Traffic Jam    

A traffic jam is one of the greatest causes of frustration and anxiety. The body activates a with a “fight or flight” response. How to deal with it? One way is keeping in mind that, even if it’s inconvenient, being late is not a dreadful thing. Also, check your physical response, including tense muscles and fast breathing. Additional information click here.


Reducing Food Anxiety In Holidays And Vacations

Reducing Food Anxiety In Holidays And Vacations    

Food anxiety is an issue in holidays and vacations. People suddenly start to check that they will have many days of celebrations and meals and start thinking about their weight. Among the ways to avoid this anxiety, is expecting to overeat, giving permission to eat, and not thinking about restrictions or excess exercises to compensate. More info click here.


Antidepressants Can Trigger Stress And Anxiety

Antidepressants Can Trigger Stress And Anxiety    

Anxiety and depression patients are usually medicated with serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). However, after some weeks, these drugs can worsen anxiety, stopping the treatment. Recent studies suggest that serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, can have negative effects on mood, triggering anxiety. Click here for more information.


Common Negative Thoughts In Anxious People And How To Deal With Them

Common Negative Thoughts In Anxious People And How To Deal With Them    

A person in an anxious situation is more susceptible to believing distorted and negative thoughts. Here are common thoughts, such as having certain symptoms and thinking on the worst disease related to them, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (also known as the checking disease), which makes you double check each door, window, switches, and power plugs, among others. They also forget every praise at work and remember every criticism, so they think they will be fired at any moment. More info click here.


Friday, December 20, 2019

Manage Your Anxiety With These Suggestions Supported By Psychiatrists

Manage Your Anxiety With These Suggestions Supported By Psychiatrists    

There are many tips and treatments for anxiety. In this case, psychiatrists suggest putting the anxiety-generating thoughts on a schedule, postponing them until a certain hour to think about them. Also, develop a catastrophe scale, determining the worst possible things that could happen, and assign a scale. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Anti-Anxiety Medication Shown Devastating Side Effects…On Salmon

Anti-Anxiety Medication Shown Devastating Side Effects…On Salmon    

 A study has shown the effects of anti-anxiety medication on salmon. While salmon experience stress while migrating to areas where they may encounter predators, ingesting anti-anxiety drugs makes them less inhibited, migrating faster and farther, on potentially reckless behavior. More Information click here.


Yoga Breathing Is An Alternative To Anxiety Medication

Yoga Breathing Is An Alternative To Anxiety Medication    

Most people who have practiced yoga agree on the fact that they feel more calmed after practicing it and has also reduced their anxiety. This also helps in case an anxious situation arises, in which yoga breathing is an excellent alternative. This is also useful for people who are not receptive to anxiety medication or don’t wish to take it because of its side effects. Click here for more details.


Your Child May Be Suffering From Anxiety – Watch For These Symptoms

Your Child May Be Suffering From Anxiety – Watch For These Symptoms    

Anxiety is not only a condition that presents in adults. It can also show up in children. However, parents might not always be aware of the symptoms the child is showing, and one of the reasons is that kids do not tell them about their worries. Some of the signs are physical symptoms, such as constipation, refusal to go to school, angry mood and avoiding participation in activities, among others. Additional info click here.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

If You Have These Symptoms, You Might Be Over-Stressed

If You Have These Symptoms, You Might Be Over-Stressed    

There are signs that you might be overstressed. This can happen if you have a demanding activity, or if you are in a moment that demands your full attention, such as a product launch or final exams. If these symptoms show, it’s good advice to make a pause before the body buns ut among these symptoms are a persistent headache, sore muscles, and fatigue. Check the full list. More details click here.


Pets Can Heighten Your Mood And Reduce The Risk Of Depression And Anxiety

Pets Can Heighten Your Mood And Reduce The Risk Of Depression And Anxiety    

Pets are not only your four-legged friends. They also can affect your mood in a positive way. They also help to start conversations, helping to avoid social isolation and require care, food, and water. Owners have own lower blood pressure and also less anxiety and stress, reducing the risk of depression. Click here for more info.


Dealing With Prolonged Anxiety

Dealing With Prolonged Anxiety    

Prolonged anxiety is an irrational fear, and will also put your body under unnecessary stress. There are ways to deal with it. Among them are acknowledging it is real and seek the help of specialists, look for stressors to find how to eliminate them, less caffeine, and go for more sleep and relaxation with techniques such as yoga or meditation. Additional information click here.


Understanding What Causes Workplace Anxiety And How To Deal With It

Understanding What Causes Workplace Anxiety And How To Deal With It    

Anxiety in the workpiece can be generated with demanding projects, inability to deal with change, or fear of a layout, among others. It has also impact on the workplace because it leads to bad decision making because it interrupts the brain’s ability to ignore distractions, which interfere with decisions. This is not the only way anxiety affects the company’s revenues. What to do about it? More details here More info click here.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Anxious In Front Of An Audience? These Tips Will Help

Anxious In Front Of An Audience? These Tips Will Help    

For most people, it is natural to feel a bit nervous when making a presentation. An idea or a result is being presented upon a number of people and the objective is to persuade them to accept them, but they also will judge the presentation and make many questions about it. This gets worse when it is a large number of people, and for some persons, it can be even paralyzing. One way to deal with it is to separate the presentation into smaller parts and deal with them independently, other is to create an outline about yourself, and also rehearse, among others. Check the full list. Click here for more information.


Physical Effects Of Social Anxiety

Physical Effects Of Social Anxiety    

Social anxiety is shown as an irrational fear to interact with other persons or to be judged. Some confuse it with extreme shyness, but the truth is that it is worse because it also affects the body in the form of nausea, paranoia, shortness of breath and shakiness. Additional details click here.


Anxiety Can Have Its Hidden Benefits

Anxiety Can Have Its Hidden Benefits    

Even if it might be strange, anxiety has its positive aspect. For example, when it forces you to think of the worst possible outcome for a situation, you are surprised when everything ends Ok. Also, you are surprised when things are easier than expected. Also, when thinking about a bad outcome, considering alternate plans will give your peace of mind, and a solution, if the bad outcome really occurs. More Information click here.


Do You Have Anxiety About Math And Numbers? You Might Have Dyscalculia

Do You Have Anxiety About Math And Numbers? You Might Have Dyscalculia    

Have you had problems and difficulties in math class, there will sometimes end in extreme anxiety? You might have Dyscalculia, which is a condition that affects the ability to acquire mathematical skills. It goes from lacking the aptitude to understand simple number concepts, problems learning number facts and procedures and even issues when calculating a tip. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Identifying The Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders

Identifying The Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders    

People with anxiety disorders can control, and treat it, but before they must identify which they have. Social Anxiety is considered regular anxiety, with the fear of being around other people and being judged by them, and can have physical symptoms, such as sweating and a racing heart. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) results in a deeply traumatic experience and can lead to panic attacks. Panic Disorder is triggered by certain situations, and it has a physical response in the form of panic attacks and heart palpitations. Learn all types of anxiety. Additional info click here.


Staying In Control Once An Anxiety Attack Has Begun

Staying In Control Once An Anxiety Attack Has Begun    

An anxiety attack is triggered by situations in which the mind believes it will result in the worst possible outcome. Once the attack has begun, there are ways to control it. For example, distract yourself in something else like counting or reading out loud will focus the brain elsewhere. Deep breathing also works. Check all the list. More details click here.


Fear Of Flying: Causes And Treatment

Fear Of Flying: Causes And Treatment    

There are people who are terrified to travel by plane. This is a kind of anxiety called aviophobia. It is related to the stress one has when taking a plane, such as the security line, searches, customs, passport checks, and the fear of terrorism. It shows itself as a panic attack. It can be treated with exposure therapy. Click here for more info.


New Brain Chemical Could Control Anxiety And Depression

New Brain Chemical Could Control Anxiety And Depression    

Researchers have found a protein which inhibits neurons forming in the hippocampus, an area in the brain related to memories and also part of the limbic system, which controls the emotional responses. It is considered that the neurons in this area are related to anxiety. Reducing the production of this protein will help to lower anxiety and depression. Additional information click here.


Monday, December 16, 2019

What Are The Causes Of Claustrophobia?

What Are The Causes Of Claustrophobia?    

Claustrophobia is a type of anxiety that reveals itself as a fear of tight and confined spaces. The cause can be a traumatic experience for a child, like being confined in a small space. The anxiety can show itself when entering an elevator, on public transport, and even in crowded spaces. Click here for more information.


Social Anxiety Is Not Only Extreme Shyness

Social Anxiety Is Not Only Extreme Shyness    

Social anxiety is often confused with extreme shyness. Studies show that people who consider themselves shy have physical and emotional discomfort when interacting with others, do not like to try something new and have fear of making mistakes in front of others. On the other side, people with social anxiety are extremely alert about the way they interact with others and have fear of being embarrassed by something they said. Additional details click here.


Dealing With Stage Anxiety

Dealing With Stage Anxiety    

Performance anxiety, also known as stage fright, can freeze a person when delivering a speech or making a presentation in front of an audience. The reason is that the presenter or performer perceives as a threat to the fact that he is the focus of a large audience. There are ways to deal with it, such as pretending anxiety s really exciting or worrying about the first five minutes of the presentation. Check the full list. More Information click here.


Panic Attack Symptoms Can Be Confused For Other Health Conditions

Panic Attack Symptoms Can Be Confused For Other Health Conditions    

A person with a panic attack will feel like dying because of the intensity of the physical symptoms. The body reacts to triggers where no real danger or threat. The symptoms can be sweating, a fast heartbeat, and shortness of breath, among others. However, since these symptoms are similar to a heart attack, breathing disorders and other conditions, it is easy to have problems making a diagnosis. Click here for more details.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

These Yoga Breathing Exercises Will Help Control Anxiety

These Yoga Breathing Exercises Will Help Control Anxiety    

Anxiety can be controlled by yoga breathing techniques, also called pranayamas. Deep breathing will help relax the body and mind. Also, applying pressure on certain parts of the head and also inhaling and exhaling while tightening the throat will also help with anxiety. Check the photo descriptions. Additional info click here.


Anxiety Can Be Controlled By Mindfulness And Deep Breathing – Learn How

Anxiety Can Be Controlled By Mindfulness And Deep Breathing – Learn How    

One of the causes of anxiety is frustration. Sometimes, it seems that the day has not enough hours to complete our obligations. One of the ways to deal with anxiety is shutting the mind of through mindfulness. This is the process of becoming aware of your emotions. It begins with deep breathing. Check how you can learn deep breathing. More info click here.


Hallucinogen Used For Anxiety Treatment In Cancer Patients

Hallucinogen Used For Anxiety Treatment In Cancer Patients    

Apart from suffering from an incurable disease, many cancer patients also suffer from anxiety or depression. A new study treated these patients with a hallucinogen called psilocybin, which is the active component in the “magic mushrooms”, with positive results in overcoming their anxiety. Click here for more info.


Do You Believe You Have An Anxiety Disorder? Don’t Feel Ashamed To Seek Help From A Specialist

Do You Believe You Have An Anxiety Disorder? Don’t Feel Ashamed To Seek Help From A Specialist    

Anxiety disorder is sometimes kept hidden by patients because they are ashamed of it and believe it puts them in a vulnerable situation. This is false because no one should go through the treatment process alone, without the help of a specialist. More details click here.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Why Is Panic Disorder Different From Other Mental Conditions?

Why Is Panic Disorder Different From Other Mental Conditions?    

Panic disorder is not just another type of anxiety. It is unpredictable, appearing at any moment with no apparent warning signs. Also, it is not like other mental illness that is related to the brain. It also affects the heart rate, shortness of breath, excess sweating, and dizziness. Check all the characteristics of panic disorder. Additional info click here.


Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia

Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia    

Acupressure is a natural way of healing. Pressing the correct point with your fingers can provide almost instant relief. There are points for back pain, for stress and anxiety, for insomnia, and for migraine and headache, among others. Check the list. More details here Click here for more details.


Feeling Stressed? These Foods Will Calm Your Nerves

Feeling Stressed? These Foods Will Calm Your Nerves    

One of the consequences of stress is the generation of the hormone cortisol, which puts the body in an alert state. It is also responsible for food cravings, which will result in excess weight. On the other hand, there are foods that will help calm you because if their components, such as asparagus, which is rich in folate and reduces the risk of depression. Check the full list of foods. More Information click here.


Parents’ Guidelines For Raising An Anxious Child

Parents’ Guidelines For Raising An Anxious Child    

Children with stress and anxiety need to be supported and understood at home. If parents do not help them question their fears and overcome them, they can turn into serious disorders when they reach an adult life such as obsessive, compulsive disorder. Read how parents can deal with their children’s anxiety. Additional details click here.


Friday, December 13, 2019

How Can Teachers Deal With Children With Anxiety?

How Can Teachers Deal With Children With Anxiety?    

Sometimes, parents and teachers are not aware of how to deal with a child with anxiety. His reaction may be different than an adults’, and even their behavior at home and at school are different. In school, children might keep their anxiety to avoid being ridiculed or bullied. How can a teacher deal with children with anxiety? Click here for more information.


Treating Social Anxiety With Exposure Therapy

Treating Social Anxiety With Exposure Therapy    

Social anxiety is a constant fear of being judged or humiliated. As a result, the person has difficulty to interact with other persons, and it is frequently misunderstood as shyness. One way to overcome this is exposure therapy, in which the person faces these social situations with the help of a therapist. More info click here.


Controlled Breathing Can Help With Fear Of Flying

Controlled Breathing Can Help With Fear Of Flying    

Many people suffer from fear of flying. There are techniques to help overcome it. One of them is based on controlled breathing, in which the person takes deep breaths, focusing on expanding the lungs and the stomach, and listening to white noise or nature sounds through earbuds. Click here for more info.


How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety

How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety    

Morning anxiety is a sensation of worry about what happened the day before, and with might happen that day. One of the reasons is poor sleeping. There are ways to overcome it, such as more sleep, stop using the snooze button, an enjoyable morning routine, and positive affirmations. Additional information click here.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Bacteria In The Digestive Tract Linked To Mood Behavior And Low Anxiety

Bacteria In The Digestive Tract Linked To Mood Behavior And Low Anxiety    

A recent study related certain bacteria in the digestive tract to the reduction of anxiety. And stress-related gastrointestinal discomfort. A healthy digestive tract includes bacteria that aids with digestion. If this is disrupted by factors, such as the use of antibiotics, it will also affect the mood and behavior, leading to anxiety. More info click here.


These Positive Affirmations Will Help Keeping Anxiety Away

These Positive Affirmations Will Help Keeping Anxiety Away    

One of the natural ways to control anxiety. One of them is using positive affirmations, in which certain phrases, repeated many times, have excellent effects in keeping anxiety away. Check the list of phrases. Click here for more information.


This Drug Will Prevent Your Dog From Being Scared Of Fireworks

This Drug Will Prevent Your Dog From Being Scared Of Fireworks    

Anxiety is also present in our pets. Dogs can suffer much from loud noises. This gets worse in the holiday seasons, which also include fireworks. In many cases, dogs report symptoms similar to panic attacks. Now there is a drug approved to treat noise anxiety in dogs. Additional details click here.


Overcoming Anxiety In The Workplace

Overcoming Anxiety In The Workplace    

Workplace anxiety is not uncommon. This can manifest itself in fear of public speaking, which can be dealt with a course or a book on public speaking. There is also the fear of giving a bad impression by asking questions, and giving and receiving criticism. How to address them? More Information click here.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

These Apps Can Help Controlling Anxiety

These Apps Can Help Controlling Anxiety    

There are tools and apps that will help with stress and anxiety. One of them is mindfulness meditation, which helps the brain to live and work in the present moment, not in the “what would happen next”, that might induce anxiety thoughts. Other work with guided meditation, which sets the mind in a called state. Click here for more details.


This Homemade Magnesium Lotion Helps Reducing Anxiety

This Homemade Magnesium Lotion Helps Reducing Anxiety    

Magnesium is one of the components our body needs to work properly. It is needed to transport calcium across cell membranes and bone matter. Among the causes of magnesium deficiency are a poor diet, chronic stress and alcohol abuse. The consequences of magnesium deficiency include hypertension, anxiety, weakness and poor memory. This homemade lotion will help increase the intake of magnesium in a natural way. Additional info click here.


Fear Of The Unknown Is Related To Anxiety Disorders

Fear Of The Unknown Is Related To Anxiety Disorders    

Researchers have found that the fear of the unknown is related to many types of anxiety disorders. When exposed to uncertain situations, people with anxiety are more likely to consider them as threats. Since the brain has determined it is a dangerous situation, it is unable to determine if it is a real danger or not. More details click here.


Scientists Retrain The Brain To Treat Phobias And Irrational Fears

Scientists Retrain The Brain To Treat Phobias And Irrational Fears    

Phobias are irrational fear reactions related to animals or insects, open or closed spaces, flying, among others. Scientists have discovered how to isolate these memories and retrain the brain to remove them, via brain scanning to identify the complex neurological patterns, and overriding them by giving the subjects a reward. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Proper Breathing Can Help Dealing With Stress And Anxiety Attacks

Proper Breathing Can Help Dealing With Stress And Anxiety Attacks    

Controlled breathing is one of the keys to control stress and anxiety attacks. In the event of a stressful situation, an organ called the amygdala is responsible for the physiological reaction preparing the body for “fight or flight”. These reactions include an increased heart and breathing rates. Slowing the breathing rate will help. Additional information click here.


Managing Anxiety When The Job Is Based On Uncertainty

Managing Anxiety When The Job Is Based On Uncertainty    

Anxiety is not uncommon in the office. There are reports to deliver, sales quotas and meeting to attend. This is worse when the job is based on uncertainty. There are ways to deal with it. One is being specific about your tasks and plans them accordingly. Other is to give reality checks to verify if you are on track. Also, take breaks to avoid burnout. Additional info click here.


Job-Generated Stress Risks Are Better Handled By Fit Persons

Job-Generated Stress Risks Are Better Handled By Fit Persons    

A study has shown that if you have a good physical state, you can reduce the health risks related to stress at work. There will be less possibility of cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure and also less risk of depression. More details click here.


These Behaviors Will Help Destress Your Life

These Behaviors Will Help Destress Your Life    

Yoga and relaxation are always advised to reduce stress. However, there are also alternate ways to deal with it. Among them are eco-therapy, in which you exercise and interact with nature, outdoors. Others are liberating your mind by putting feelings into words, reading fiction and doing things that make you feel good, among others. Click here for more info.


Monday, December 9, 2019

This Bracelet Checks The Heartrate And Stress Levels In Real Time And Relates It With Meditation Exercises

This Bracelet Checks The Heartrate And Stress Levels In Real Time And Relates It With Meditation Exercises    

The bracelet works with a smartphone for breathing and meditation exercises and checks their ability to calm the heart rate and stress levels in real time. It is designed for the highly productive people, in order to keep their minds for wandering. Additional information click here.


Study: Tension Headaches Increase The Risk Of Anxiety

Study: Tension Headaches Increase The Risk Of Anxiety    

Research has found a relation between tension headaches and anxiety and depression. Also, anxiety was higher in patients with the most frequent tension headaches. More info click here.


You Might Be Stressed Without Knowing It - Watch For The Signs

You Might Be Stressed Without Knowing It - Watch For The Signs    

There is a large percentage of people that suffer from stress that are not aware of it. There are ways to identify it. Some of them are heart palpitations in which the heart skips a beat, poor concentration, inability to stay still, low sex drive, stomach problems, and sudden irritability, among others. Click here for more information.


Identifying Social Anxiety In Kids

Identifying Social Anxiety In Kids    

Social anxiety in kids is usually confused by shyness. There are several signs that might help you identify it, such as having difficulties in talking to other kids or adults, excessive worry about their appearance, that they will do or say something embarrassing, or what other people think about them. Additional details click here.


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sleep Apnea On Kids Can Result In Anxiety And Depression

Sleep Apnea On Kids Can Result In Anxiety And Depression    

Experts have found that kids with sleep apnea increase the risk of developing mental issues, such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. This is because of the consequences of poor sleep quality plus low oxygen levels in the body, which affects the brain’s hormones. More Information click here.


These Tricks Will Help Control Stress And Anxiety

These Tricks Will Help Control Stress And Anxiety    

There are tricks to help control stress. Among them are inducing relaxation by deep breathing, exposure therapy, in which the person gradually gets confidence in things such as public speaking, understanding the real dimension of fear, exercising or workout to generate endorphins to calm down. Check all the list. Click here for more details.


Taking Care Of Social Anxiety, With Scientifically-Backed Procedures

Taking Care Of Social Anxiety, With Scientifically-Backed Procedures    

Social anxiety can be debilitating and paralyzing for certain persons. However, there are procedures backed by research that will help with it. Among them are mindfulness and labeling, which identifies the thoughts that are responsible for anxiety and labels them to help differentiate them. Additional info click here.


Hypochondriacs Related To Greater Risk Of Heart Disease

Hypochondriacs Related To Greater Risk Of Heart Disease    

Hypochondria is a form of health anxiety, in which the patient is so worried about his health, that he starts to develop imaginary symptoms. This excessive worrying can be more prevalent for heart disease, than poor lifestyles, such as smoking, drinking or lack of exercise. More details click here.


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Mental Math Training For A Better Emotional Health

Mental Math Training For A Better Emotional Health    

Study: brain training strategies, like doing mental math, can help prevent anxiety and depression. According to it, the ability to regulate the motions like fear or danger is related to the ability of the brain to perform numerical calculations in real time. More details click here.


Stress Can Be The Cause Of Hair Loss, Among Other Things

Stress Can Be The Cause Of Hair Loss, Among Other Things    

Stress leads to sweating, hypertension and a racing heart. But there are also little-known effects. One of them is hair loss, in which stress forces hair follicles into resting, or contributes to hair pulling. Other ones are vivid or bad dreams, and in some cases, sleep paralysis. Diarrhea and IBS can be also caused by stress, and also muffled hearing. Click here for more info.


These Mantras Rewire Your Brain And Change Our Habits

These Mantras Rewire Your Brain And Change Our Habits    

Mantras are a way to rewire the brain and modify habits that can be holding us back. These work by putting the mind on an automatic response to unexpected situations. These are based on Tibetan monk training. For example, “Handshake your fear” is a way to gather courage by not rejecting or ignoring fear. Check all the mantras. Additional information click here.


Too Much Sweating Can Be A Symptom Of Certain Diseases

Too Much Sweating Can Be A Symptom Of Certain Diseases    

Excessive perspiration is not only a sign that the weather is too hot. Hyperhidrosis is caused by overactive sweat glands, but can also be a symptom of anxiety disorder, heart disease or diabetes. More info click here.