Friday, July 10, 2020

There Is A Phobia That Consists Of A Fear Of Fear

There Is A Phobia That Consists Of A Fear Of Fear    

It Is Called Phobophobia And Is Associated With Anxiety Disorder    

A phobia is an irrational fear of a certain situation. It can be fear of closed spaces, and fear of heights. But there is a special kind of phobia that consists of fear of fear, called phobophobia. Even if this sounds redundant, the word means phobia of phobia. It can be interpreted as a phobia of developing a phobia, or the fear of having the symptoms of something fearful. For example, sharp pain in the left side of the chest can be interpreted as a heart attack but does not have the other symptoms, such as numbness in the left arm. Or a sharp headache that lasts for seconds, which can be interpreted as a stroke, but does not have the other symptoms of stroke, such as a blurry vision or a prolonged headache. If the person already has an anxiety disorder, he might misinterpret these symptoms, and begins fearing that they belong to an actual health condition. Additional information click here.


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