Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Expectant Fathers Experience More Anxiety When Partners Show Morning Sickness

Expectant Fathers Experience More Anxiety When Partners Show Morning Sickness    

They Had Their Work Disrupted And Felt Frustrated About The Child’S Development    

Morning sickness is one of the side effects of pregnancy, but a study has found that it also affects men, leading to a state of anxiety. This is due to the responsibilities to the unborn child, plus worries about their jobs, family responsibilities and the health of the child. The study found out that expectant fathers whose partners have morning sickness had more anxiety than the ones without sickness, but found no difference in reference to depression in both groups. These have their work disrupted and has feelings of frustration regarding the child’s development. Additional details click here.


Hypertension-Lowering Diet Linked To Lower Depression Levels

Hypertension-Lowering Diet Linked To Lower Depression Levels    

Diet Helps The Gut Microorganisms, Which In Turn, Produce Hormones That Combat Depression    

The DASH diet is based on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low-fat dairy foods, and has been designed to fight high blood pressure. However, researchers have found out that it also helps to combat depression. Studies have proved that there is a link between our gut microbiota, the microorganisms in the intestine that help digest the food, and the mood. These microorganisms have an active role in the production of hormones that regulate our moods, such as serotonin and dopamine. To prove the link between a healthy diet and depression, researchers, evaluated the dietary habits of a group of people and compared it to the DASH diet, and to their mood. However, the most interesting finding was the effect of a healthy diet combined with antidepressant drugs. Additional details click here.


Anxious People Have An Excessive Aversion To Risk

Anxious People Have An Excessive Aversion To Risk    

This Influences Their Emotions And Behavior, Study Says    

A recent study suggests that anxious people are more sensitive to risk, thinking about the bad things that could happen if they make a certain choice. Taking risks is part of the daily choices: driving a car can result in an accident, taking an elevator can leave one trapped inside in case of a power loss, eating at a restaurant can result in food poisoning, and so on. However, anxious people are hypersensitive to these risks, which influences their emotions and behavior. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sitting All Day Damages Your Body

Sitting All Day Damages Your Body    

People that have desk jobs usually sit all day. However, our bodies aren’t designed to be sitting all day – they require movement. Sitting all day is not only bad, but it also damages our bodies: organ damage, slow digestion, bad posture, and anxiety and depression. More details click here.


How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety

How To Get Rid Of Morning Anxiety    

Morning anxiety is a sensation of worry about what happened the day before, and with might happen that day. One of the reasons is poor sleeping. There are ways to overcome it, such as more sleep, stop using the snooze button, an enjoyable morning routine, and positive affirmations. Additional information click here.


Under A Stressful Situation, People Have A Better Capacity To Respond To Bad News

Under A Stressful Situation, People Have A Better Capacity To Respond To Bad News    

In A Calm Situation, People Tend To Accept Good News And Reject The Bad Ones    

According to researchers, stress and anxiety simplify the fact of dealing with bad news. The reason is that most people have a natural reaction called optimism bias, which results in being attracted to good news, rather than bad news. This makes people more disposed accept positive information into their beliefs, rather than negative information. This helps with maintaining a good mood, motivation, and a positive attitude in the workplace an in life, among others. The downside is that this attitude can also cause people to underestimate serious risks. However, in the presence of a stressful or anxious situation, this optimism bias changes, people have a better capacity to accept bad news in comparison to their optimistic counterparts but were also capable of responding normally to good news. Additional information click here.


Monday, September 28, 2020

The Truth About Emotional Support Animals

The Truth About Emotional Support Animals    

These Are Not Similar To Service Dogs, Which Help People With Disabilities    

Emotional support animals are supposed to provide support to people with anxiety, are becoming a problem for airlines. These are not service animals, like guide dogs for the blind, which have been trained to help people with disabilities, and are protected under the Disabilities Act. However, emotional support animals are not trained and do not perform a specific job. These animals can be allowed to accompany the owner if he has a letter from a mental health professional declaring that the animal is required for therapy (which is easy to obtain). Do these animals really help people? More Information click here.


Social Anxiety Is Not Only About Shyness

Social Anxiety Is Not Only About Shyness    

Social anxiety is the fear of being judged by others. It is often confused by shyness, but it is really worse. Some of the characteristics of people with social anxiety are low confidence in the ability to express oneself correctly, so they avoid speaking. Also, they have an irrational fear of spending time with other people, worried about going through a panic attack. More Information click here.


Epsom Salts Can Help With Headaches, Back Pain, And Treating Anxiety And Depression

Epsom Salts Can Help With Headaches, Back Pain, And Treating Anxiety And Depression    

It Consists Of Magnesium And Sulfate And Is For External Use    

Epsom salt is a substance with many health benefits. It is not a table salt, but a compound made of magnesium and sulfate. Even though it is not backed up by clinical trials, specialists state that it helps with a better mood, treat anxiety and depression, and relieves stress. This occurs because magnesium is linked to serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone”. It also relaxes the muscles of the back, neck, skull, and shoulders, reducing the risk of back pain. Relaxation of the skull muscles can also help end headaches or migraine. It can be applied topically, for external use only, or in a bath with Epson salts. Ingestion can result in diarrhea. Other benefits of magnesium are reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving digestion and bowel movements. It can help also with magnesium deficiency, but, according to specialists, oral supplements are much better. Click here for more details.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Certain Level Of Stress Can Act As A Brain Tuner And Enhance Out Productivity

A Certain Level Of Stress Can Act As A Brain Tuner And Enhance Out Productivity    

Stress prepares us for potential dangers, setting our bodies for fight or flight. Chronic stress damages our bodies, because of the excessive secretion of the hormone cortisol. However, there’s a sweet spot, when handling stress emotionally, in which stress can act as a brain tuner. Click here for more details.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia

Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia    

Acupressure is a natural way of healing. Pressing the correct point with your fingers can provide almost instant relief. There are points for back pain, for stress and anxiety, for insomnia, and for migraine and headache, among others. Check the list. More details here Click here for more details.


Understanding What Causes Workplace Anxiety And How To Deal With It

Understanding What Causes Workplace Anxiety And How To Deal With It    

Anxiety in the workpiece can be generated with demanding projects, inability to deal with change, or fear of a layout, among others. It has also impact on the workplace because it leads to bad decision making because it interrupts the brain’s ability to ignore distractions, which interfere with decisions. This is not the only way anxiety affects the company’s revenues. What to do about it? More details here More info click here.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Antidepressants Can Trigger Stress And Anxiety

Antidepressants Can Trigger Stress And Anxiety    

Anxiety and depression patients are usually medicated with serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). However, after some weeks, these drugs can worsen anxiety, stopping the treatment. Recent studies suggest that serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, can have negative effects on mood, triggering anxiety. Click here for more information.


Study: Antidepressants May Worsen Anxiety

Study: Antidepressants May Worsen Anxiety    

There is a type of antidepressant called serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which also treat anxiety. However, it has been recently discovered that it has a side effect in which it can worsen anxiety. Read more. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn    

It Also Helps Relieve Tension Headaches, Promotes Hair Growth, And Reduces Anxiety    

Peppermint has health benefits, such as pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties. In the form of essential oil and capsules, it can help in treating digestive conditions and headaches. It is rich in menthol, which is considered to be the bioactive ingredient that provides its health benefits. It helps in treating irritable bowel disease (IBS), which has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and changes in stool patterns. The menthol in the peppermint oil helps to ease the symptoms up to 79%, relaxing the stomach and digestive tract muscles. It also can reduce indigestion by decreasing the contractions in the esophagus, and also reduce heartburn symptoms. It can also help relieve tension headaches and other chronic pain conditions, due to the methanol included in peppermint. It is also beneficial for hair growth, according to research in mice, and anxiety, in the form of aromatherapy, reducing the stress responses. Additional info click here.


Do You Have Muscle Spasms When You Are Asleep?

Do You Have Muscle Spasms When You Are Asleep?

Sometimes, when we fall asleep, our arms and legs have twitches, also called muscle spasms. These are related to dreams with the illusion of falling. Among the causes are stress, anxiety, tiredness, an excess of coffee. More Information click here.


Why Is Panic Disorder Different From Other Mental Conditions?

Why Is Panic Disorder Different From Other Mental Conditions?    

Panic disorder is not just another type of anxiety. It is unpredictable, appearing at any moment with no apparent warning signs. Also, it is not like other mental illness that is related to the brain. It also affects the heart rate, shortness of breath, excess sweating, and dizziness. Check all the characteristics of panic disorder. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Identifying The Brain Cells Responsible For Anxiety

Identifying The Brain Cells Responsible For Anxiety    

Anxiety affects a large percentage of people. A study has identified the neurons that trigger anxiety. This could provide a more effective treatment for working with drugs that are oriented to these neurons and not the whole brain. More Information click here.


Restoring Your Energy After A Panic Attack

Restoring Your Energy After A Panic Attack    

A panic attack can be debilitating. However, the feeling after the panic attack can be like a hangover, or like when the body has depleted its energy. There are ways to restore the body balance and feel better. One id to replenish the energy with fluids and fruit, also focusing the attention on something else like a relaxing activity or a hobby, and think on positive mantras. Check all the list. More info click here.


Losing Excess Weight Has A Series Of Benefits In Organ Function

Losing Excess Weight Has A Series Of Benefits In Organ Function    

It Reduces The Risk Of Back Pain, Improves Brain Activity, And Lowers Blood Pressure    

There are hidden benefits of losing weight, besides feeling healthier. Among them is an improvement in lung function, and a reduction of breathlessness by only losing 5% to 10% of the body weight. It also prevents fat buildup in the liver, and reverses damage, restoring the liver to its normal state. Losing extra weight will also reduce the risk of back pain because there is less weight to carry around, and will help increase movement, reducing the symptoms of back pain. Less weight also means less pressure on the feet, making them less stable, and reducing the risk of foot, knee, hip, and lower back pain. There are also benefits in brain activity, improving the memory and mental processes. There are also benefits in cardiovascular activity, which is related to a decrease in heart size and artery thickness, decrease the risk of heart attack risk, and also lowering blood pressure. More info click here.


Monday, September 21, 2020

New Mental Health Therapy With ASMR Videos

New Mental Health Therapy With ASMR Videos    

They Induce A Calming Sensation On The Viewer, Reducing Stress, Anxiety, And Insomnia    

There is a new therapy for mental health called ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response). It consists of videos of a personal role playing a mundane professional service, such as giving a massage, a haircut, or painting. However, these videos are performed in such a way that it gives the sensation of intimacy and attention. According to the viewers, these videos give a tingling sensation, which is hard to describe, if it has not been experienced. It is similar to describing the reaction to an inspiring scene in a movie, a powerful piece of music, or an inspirational speech. They include whispered voices, slow and expert hand movements, and a sensation that the performer, (also called the ASMRtist), is paying attention to the viewer in a professional manner. In some persons, these triggers also help reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia, induce a calming sensation, and lower the heart rate. However, other people do not react to these triggers. Additional details click here.


There Is A Connection Between Chronic Pain And Stress And Depression

There Is A Connection Between Chronic Pain And Stress And Depression    

Treating These Mental Conditions Will Help Lowering Chronic Pain    

Everybody experiences pain at some moment in his life. If chronic or untreated, such as low back pain, migraines, or fibromyalgia, it leads to anxiety or even depression. According to a study, there is a connection between pain, anxiety, and depression. If chronic pain increases depression and stress, the other way around is also true: mental disorders, such as stress and depression can turn chronic pain into acute physical pain, which generates feedback between these conditions. Therefore, one way to treat chronic pain is by treating the mental disorders associated with it. Among them is cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT, which teaches skills that help manage their pain, rather than feel a victim of them. Another way is relaxation training in which decreases the amount of stress. Since excessive stress is associated with an increase in pain, the opposite is also true. Reducing stress will also reduce pain, and it can be done with relaxation training, breathing techniques, or yoga. Hypnosis will also help because it leads to a trance-like state, in which the patient receives positive suggestions, which can include decreasing the stress and depression. Exercises are another way to deal with stress.


Natural Herbal Remedies For Anxiety Can Have Unwanted Side Effects

Natural Herbal Remedies For Anxiety Can Have Unwanted Side Effects    

They Include Liver Damage, Drowsiness, And Allergic Reactions    

Some anxiety drugs have side effects, such as daytime sleepiness, dizziness or vertigo, so people tend to seek natural alternatives. Even though many of them are not clinically proven, they have health benefits for anxiety. However, some of them can include risks. Natural does not always mean it is safe. For example, kava is being used to treat anxiety but is linked to serious liver damage. Passionflower can cause headaches, drowsiness, and dizziness. Chamomile can increase the risk of bleeding when used with blood-thinning drugs and can cause allergic reactions. Lavender, when taken orally can cause constipation and headaches. Check all the side effects of herbal remedies for anxiety. More details click here.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn    

It Also Helps Relieve Tension Headaches, Promotes Hair Growth, And Reduces Anxiety    

Peppermint has health benefits, such as pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties. In the form of essential oil and capsules, it can help in treating digestive conditions and headaches. It is rich in menthol, which is considered to be the bioactive ingredient that provides its health benefits. It helps in treating irritable bowel disease (IBS), which has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and changes in stool patterns. The menthol in the peppermint oil helps to ease the symptoms up to 79%, relaxing the stomach and digestive tract muscles. It also can reduce indigestion by decreasing the contractions in the esophagus, and also reduce heartburn symptoms. It can also help relieve tension headaches and other chronic pain conditions, due to the methanol included in peppermint. It is also beneficial for hair growth, according to research in mice, and anxiety, in the form of aromatherapy, reducing the stress responses. Additional info click here.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Study Links Anxiety In Women To Waist Size

Study Links Anxiety In Women To Waist Size    

They Are Also More Inclined To Overeating By Stress    

Women have double the possibility to be diagnosed with anxiety, compared to men, and also are more predisposed to overeating due to stress. A study has revealed that anxiety may be related to the size of a woman’s waistline. It found a correlation between the waist-to-height ratio, and the chance to be diagnosed with anxiety. Previous studies have linked this ratio to cardiometabolic risk, which is related to anxiety and other mood disorders. Additional details click here.


Do You Suspect You Have Chronic Anxiety? Check These Symptoms

Do You Suspect You Have Chronic Anxiety? Check These Symptoms    

People with chronic anxiety usually are not aware of their condition until their coworker or family tell them that they have changed. Reviewing the symptoms will help us understand what is happening and take action. Some of them are craving for sugary or starchy food, losing focus and mood changes and irritability. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Controlling Anxiety In A Traffic Jam

Controlling Anxiety In A Traffic Jam    

A traffic jam is one of the greatest causes of frustration and anxiety. The body activates a with a “fight or flight” response. How to deal with it? One way is keeping in mind that, even if it’s inconvenient, being late is not a dreadful thing. Also, check your physical response, including tense muscles and fast breathing. Additional information click here.


Owning A Dog Reduces The Risk Of Cardiovascular Problems And Stress Levels

Owning A Dog Reduces The Risk Of Cardiovascular Problems And Stress Levels    

Studies have shown that dog owners have lower blood pressure and stress levels, and better physical and mental health. Also, reduce the risk of depression and cardiovascular problems. This is because walking the dog is an excellent exercise and the emotional advantages of having a company. More info click here.


What Can Foods Help With Anxiety?

What Can Foods Help With Anxiety?    

Eating certain foods can help control anxiety. Foods rich in vitamin B such as almonds and avocados. Also probiotic foods, omega-2 foods, such s salmon and also foods rich in magnesium, such as beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grain. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

If You Feel Tired And Are Forgetting Things, You Might Have Brain Fog

If You Feel Tired And Are Forgetting Things, You Might Have Brain Fog    

Sometimes we cannot find the right words, feel fatigued, or have the sensation of being mentally overwhelmed. These are the signs of brain fog, which is caused by poor sleeping, poor diet and inability to control things at work. These result in a chemical imbalance in our brains. The three main chemicals, cortisol, dopamine, and serotonin which keep us focused, calmed, energized and inspired, are out of sync. How to deal with this? More Information click here.


Epsom Salts Can Help With Headaches, Back Pain, And Treating Anxiety And Depression

Epsom Salts Can Help With Headaches, Back Pain, And Treating Anxiety And Depression    

It Consists Of Magnesium And Sulfate And Is For External Use    

Epsom salt is a substance with many health benefits. It is not a table salt, but a compound made of magnesium and sulfate. Even though it is not backed up by clinical trials, specialists state that it helps with a better mood, treat anxiety and depression, and relieves stress. This occurs because magnesium is linked to serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone”. It also relaxes the muscles of the back, neck, skull, and shoulders, reducing the risk of back pain. Relaxation of the skull muscles can also help end headaches or migraine. It can be applied topically, for external use only, or in a bath with Epson salts. Ingestion can result in diarrhea. Other benefits of magnesium are reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving digestion and bowel movements. It can help also with magnesium deficiency, but, according to specialists, oral supplements are much better. Click here for more details.


Do You Believe You Have An Anxiety Disorder? Don’t Feel Ashamed To Seek Help From A Specialist

Do You Believe You Have An Anxiety Disorder? Don’t Feel Ashamed To Seek Help From A Specialist    

Anxiety disorder is sometimes kept hidden by patients because they are ashamed of it and believe it puts them in a vulnerable situation. This is false because no one should go through the treatment process alone, without the help of a specialist. More details click here.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Concerned About Overworking And Burning Out? Check These Tips

Concerned About Overworking And Burning Out? Check These Tips    

Modern life has forced workers to 24-hour availability with digital devices, which results in anxiety and stress. Too much time in this situation will result in burnout. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent it. One way is to turn the phone off for one hour during the day and work with no interruptions. Disconnecting at nights and meditation also works. Click here for more information.


Symptoms Of Atelophobia, Or The Fear Of Imperfection

Symptoms Of Atelophobia, Or The Fear Of Imperfection    

Some people consider themselves perfectionists. They won’t stop until their job or their task is done with perfection, with no errors. However, this can be a problem if a person has fear of imperfection. They are terrified of flaws, avoid situations in which they can make mistakes, set impossible standards, among others. Additional details click here.


How To Distinguish Normal Anxiety From Generalized Anxiety Disorder

How To Distinguish Normal Anxiety From Generalized Anxiety Disorder    

For most people, it is normal to feel casual anxiety. This is the case of an exam, a job interview, preparing for a speech, or on a date. But in the case of anxiety disorder, the emotions cause much suffering and dysfunction resulting in fatigue, panic attacks, and sleeping problems. Click here for more details.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Do You Have Fear Of Flying? Check This Useful Advice

Do You Have Fear Of Flying? Check This Useful Advice    

Fear of flying is listed as one of the top 10 phobias. Those who suffer it are working on excuses to delay their flights, or canceling them. Some of the causes are being in an enclosed space, not being in control, and even germs. What to do about it? More details click here.


Feeling Happy Or Depressed May Depend On Your Diet

Feeling Happy Or Depressed May Depend On Your Diet    

When we ingest food, we also ingest beneficial bacteria that will help us with the digestion. However, this bacteria also influence other conditions, such as muscle pain, and will also affect our mood, resulting in anxiety and depression, or happiness and a positive attitude. Additional info click here.


Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body

Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body    

Tension In Jaw And Neck Muscles Will Result In Headaches And Upper Back Pain    

Teeth grinding do not only affect teeth. This habit is usually caused by stress. However, the cause of concern id that it usually occurs at night, when the person is asleep. Like sleep apnea, the consequences of these conditions will show when waking up and gradually over time. Constant grinding of teeth will lead to accelerated teeth wear, as well as chips and cracks. Also, the jaw muscles will ache and also affect the muscles of the neck and back, causing upper back pain. The tension in the neck muscles will result in headaches. The chronic stress that causes teeth grinding also affects oral health. It promotes gum disease due to lower immunity, and also leads to dehydration, resulting in bad breath. More info click here.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Controlling Road Rage In Heavy Traffic

Controlling Road Rage In Heavy Traffic    

Excessive traffic can be exasperating, which leads to a type of anger called road rage. This is shown as anger against other drivers. It is manifested in people that have trouble handling stress. How to deal with it? Click here for more information.


Friday, September 11, 2020

How Can Teachers Deal With Children With Anxiety?

How Can Teachers Deal With Children With Anxiety?    

Sometimes, parents and teachers are not aware of how to deal with a child with anxiety. His reaction may be different than an adults’, and even their behavior at home and at school are different. In school, children might keep their anxiety to avoid being ridiculed or bullied. How can a teacher deal with children with anxiety? Click here for more information.


Ditch The Pills And Combat Stress And Anxiety With These Exercises

Ditch The Pills And Combat Stress And Anxiety With These Exercises    

Sometimes there are outside events that generate anxiety, like an interview for a new job, family issues, or other problems that seem to be outside your control. However, there are exercises that will help you deal with this stress, such as running, yoga, and even dancing. Additional info click here.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

High-Functioning Anxiety Patients Are Usually Successful But Dealing With Anxiety

High-Functioning Anxiety Patients Are Usually Successful But Dealing With Anxiety    

They Hide The Side Effects Of Anxiety So No One Notices Them    

Some people are perfectionists, oriented to details and obsessive, and they are proud of it or joke about it. They have what is called high-functioning anxiety, which means that the person is very successful, but is suffering internally because of the side effects of anxiety, but they hide it very well, so nobody notices. They are high achievers and oriented to details, but re always thinking the “What if?”, always thinking about anxieties and worries. They have habits such as doing lists, procrastinating, getting early for an appointment, among others. Check all the habits. Additional information click here.


A Burning Sensation In The Tongue And He Lips Can Be Caused By The Burning Mouth Syndrome

A Burning Sensation In The Tongue And He Lips Can Be Caused By The Burning Mouth Syndrome    

Other Symptoms Are IBS, Back Pain, Headaches, Panic Attacks And Ringing In The Ears    

There is a health condition, called burning mouth syndrome (BMS), which is usually more common in post-menopausal women. Its symptoms are burning on the tip, sides, and top of the tongue, roof of the mouth, and the inside surface of the lips, and an altered sensation of taste. It is caused by an abnormal behavior to some nerve fibers, which transmit pain without any reason. This can be triggered by menopause, mental conditions, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, and stress and anxiety. Other symptoms are a headache, shoulder pain, back pain, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), panic attacks, palpitations and ringing in the ears, among others. It can be treated with anti-anxiety medications and preventing the use of mouthwash and the ingestion of acidic foods. More info click here.


Social Anxiety Is Different From Introversion Or Extreme Shyness

Social Anxiety Is Different From Introversion Or Extreme Shyness    

One Is Oriented To Inner Ideas And Imagination, While The Other Is Concerned About Social Acceptance    

Social anxiety is different from introversion or shyness. Also, social anxiety is not defined as extreme shyness. Introvert people derive their energy into an inner world or ideas and imagination. On the other side, people with social anxiety are less interested in an inner world of ideas, and more interested about social situations, especially the situations in which they have to interact with other people, and fear the possibility of being evaluated negatively, socially rejected, and badly judged. Therefore, people with social anxiety are afraid of what opinion other people have about them because they fear that other people will have a bad opinion. They are concerned about social acceptance. Other difference is that introversion is a character trait while social anxiety is a development that can be worked out and reversed. Learn more about social anxiety and introversion, and how to deal with them. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Anxiety Is Linked To Depression

Anxiety Is Linked To Depression    

Anxiety is linked to depression. This will results in a series of issues, such as an interrupted sleep cycle, preventing the body from getting enough rest. Also, it causes the brain to go into circular thinking, in which the worries cause anxiety, which results in even more worry. Check all the ways anxiety and depression are connected, and how to deal with them. Click here for more information.


Stress Is One Of The Causes Of Teeth Grinding

Stress Is One Of The Causes Of Teeth Grinding    

It Results In Flattened Or Chipped Teeth And Headaches Hen Waking Up    

Stress can have effects on the body, such as headaches and loss of sleep. However, it can also affect the teeth in the form of teeth grinding or bruxism. It can happen unconsciously, or at night, while sleeping, resulting in worn, flattened or chipped teeth, and also in headaches when waking up or problems in the temporomandibular joint. Teeth grinding can also be a side effect of drugs for treating depression. Other studies have found a relationship between stress and periodontal disease, including gum infections. Click here for more info.


Scientists Retrain The Brain To Treat Phobias And Irrational Fears

Scientists Retrain The Brain To Treat Phobias And Irrational Fears    

Phobias are irrational fear reactions related to animals or insects, open or closed spaces, flying, among others. Scientists have discovered how to isolate these memories and retrain the brain to remove them, via brain scanning to identify the complex neurological patterns, and overriding them by giving the subjects a reward. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

These Techniques Will Help You To Destress Quickly

These Techniques Will Help You To Destress Quickly    

Sometimes we feel stressed and can be able to control it. In these cases, there are ways to get rid of the stressful sensation quickly and easily. Among them are chewing gum, meditation, pouring cold water on the wrists, which have major arteries and can cause a refreshing sensation. Other are closing your eyes, stretching, and even smelling coffee. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Cocoa And Coffee Reduces Anxiety And Increases Attention

Cocoa And Coffee Reduces Anxiety And Increases Attention    

Recent research found out that cocoa increases the blood flow in the brain, which increases attention. On the other hand, drinking coffee alone can increase anxiety. Therefore, mixing cocoa and caffeine, reduced the anxiety related to drinking only coffee. On the other hand, cocoa contains antioxidant, which will have a higher concentration if the cocoa is less processed and darker. It also has benefits for the cardiovascular system. Check all the health benefits of cocoa. More Information click here.


Stress Can Be The Cause Of Hair Loss, Among Other Things

Stress Can Be The Cause Of Hair Loss, Among Other Things    

Stress leads to sweating, hypertension and a racing heart. But there are also little-known effects. One of them is hair loss, in which stress forces hair follicles into resting, or contributes to hair pulling. Other ones are vivid or bad dreams, and in some cases, sleep paralysis. Diarrhea and IBS can be also caused by stress, and also muffled hearing. Click here for more info.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Feeling A Panic Attack Arriving? Prepare For It

Feeling A Panic Attack Arriving? Prepare For It    

Do you suffer panic attacks? The symptoms can be devastating: weakness, terror, chills, difficulty breathing… The secret to dealing with them is to be prepared before the actual panic attack begins. Among these are slowing down the breathing and calling a loved one. Click here for more info.


Anxiety Is Two Times More Frequent In Women Than Men

Anxiety Is Two Times More Frequent In Women Than Men    

Anxiety is a global problem, but it has been rarely researched. A current study has shown that in the US, 4 in 100 have anxiety, but in the case of women, it is 8 in 100, but it is 3 in 100 in East Asia. Mental illness has focused on depression, but anxiety is as debilitating as depression. Additional information click here.


Teeth Grinding Is Related To Acid Reflux, Fatigue, Stress, And Anxiety

Teeth Grinding Is Related To Acid Reflux, Fatigue, Stress, And Anxiety    

The Brain Pulls The Jaw Forward Due To Airflow Restriction In The Throat    

Teeth grinding usually occurs at night when sleeping and are caused when there is an airflow restriction, which causes the jaw to be pulled forward. This results in fatigue when waking up, and digestive problems, such as acid reflux, IBS and bloating. It also results in low blood pressure, which includes dizziness, and stress, anxiety, and depression. If untreated, it may lead to sleep apnea and even heart failure. More details click here.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Green Tea Has Amazing Health Benefits

Green Tea Has Amazing Health Benefits    

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which oxidize the fat and make it great for weight reduction, treating Alzheimer’s, reducing stress and improving brain activity, because of its caffeine and amino acids, lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, and improves dental health due to the presence of catechin, a component that kills bacteria, lowering the risk of oral infection and preventing bad breath. Additional information click here.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Do You Have Fear Of Flying? This Advice Will Help Overcome It

Do You Have Fear Of Flying? This Advice Will Help Overcome It    

Fear of flying is real and can even result in panic attacks aboard the plane. However, there are ways to deal with it. The first one is to know how it originated – it can be a turbulent flight as a child or teenager, being lost at the terminal as a child, or even movies related to plane crashes. Also, replace the fear by the excitement of arriving at a new destination from vacations, or a business or job opportunity. Check all the advice to control the fear of flying. Click here for more information.


Do You Have Fear Of Flying? This Advice Will Help Overcome It

Do You Have Fear Of Flying? This Advice Will Help Overcome It    

Fear of flying is real and can even result in panic attacks aboard the plane. However, there are ways to deal with it. The first one is to know how it originated – it can be a turbulent flight as a child or teenager, being lost at the terminal as a child, or even movies related to plane crashes. Also, replace the fear by the excitement of arriving at a new destination from vacations, or a business or job opportunity. Check all the advice to control the fear of flying. Click here for more information.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Understanding What Causes Workplace Anxiety And How To Deal With It

Understanding What Causes Workplace Anxiety And How To Deal With It    

Anxiety in the workpiece can be generated with demanding projects, inability to deal with change, or fear of a layout, among others. It has also impact on the workplace because it leads to bad decision making because it interrupts the brain’s ability to ignore distractions, which interfere with decisions. This is not the only way anxiety affects the company’s revenues. What to do about it? More details here More info click here.


Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids

Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids    

Sometimes parents are in an anxious situation. Unfortunately, there are cases in which this anxiety is reflected in their kids. There are ways to avoid this. One of them is not projecting the parents’ experiences of the kids. Also, not describing situations as a source of anxiety or scary, unless the child does. Check all the ways to avoid anxiety on kids. Click here for more details.


Identifying Social Anxiety In Kids

Identifying Social Anxiety In Kids    

Social anxiety in kids is usually confused by shyness. There are several signs that might help you identify it, such as having difficulties in talking to other kids or adults, excessive worry about their appearance, that they will do or say something embarrassing, or what other people think about them. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Managing Stress Incorrectly Will Lead To Serious Health Conditions

Managing Stress Incorrectly Will Lead To Serious Health Conditions    

Stress is present in everyday life – it is not possible to avoid it. It can be caused by work or financial problems, family or health issues. It also results in the generation of the hormone cortisol, which sets the body in a fight or flight state. If we do not deal with it correctly, it will start to accumulate, leading to excess weight, high blood pressure, difficulty in thinking or taking decisions, among others. Click here for more details.


Study: A Large Number Of Depressive Adults Do Not Get Treatment

Study: A Large Number Of Depressive Adults Do Not Get Treatment    

Depression is a condition that in many cases is a result of modern lifestyle. However, in most cases, adults with depression are not receiving treatment, according to a study. This is because they think they could not benefit from the treatment, or because they have a social issue or shame. More here, More info click here.


Anxious People Are Predisposed To Taking Less Risky Decisions

Anxious People Are Predisposed To Taking Less Risky Decisions    

A Study Showed More Brain Activity In The Area Related To Cognitive Control    

According to researchers, people with anxiety have more cognitive control which results in making less risky decisions. They measured the brain activity of people with varying degrees of anxiety, in which there was a higher frontal midline theta power while making decisions, in the case of anxious people. Increased activity in this area of the brain point to more cognitive control, which can result in less risky choices, trying to avoid negative outcomes. The study showed a direct connection between anxiety, frontal midline theta power, and risky decisions. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects

Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects    

Among These Are Drowsiness, Headaches, And Gastrointestinal Issues    

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain, which regulates when the body should fall asleep or wake up, also known as the circadian rhythm. It can be taken as a supplement, which helps with sleep disorders and also with jet lag. However, it has side effects, such as drowsiness, similar to the sensation of a hangover. This happens when the body does not process the supplement quickly. In other cases, it is insomnia, which is a completely opposite effect than the one sought. This happens because the body starts producing melatonin at sundown, and, if taken at late night, it might not work. Headaches and gastrointestinal issues are also present due to the fact that the body might react differently to the supplement. More info click here.


Managing Stress Incorrectly Will Lead To Serious Health Conditions

Managing Stress Incorrectly Will Lead To Serious Health Conditions    

Stress is present in everyday life – it is not possible to avoid it. It can be caused by work or financial problems, family or health issues. It also results in the generation of the hormone cortisol, which sets the body in a fight or flight state. If we do not deal with it correctly, it will start to accumulate, leading to excess weight, high blood pressure, difficulty in thinking or taking decisions, among others. Click here for more details.


Anxiety Is Linked To Depression

Anxiety Is Linked To Depression    

Anxiety is linked to depression. This will results in a series of issues, such as an interrupted sleep cycle, preventing the body from getting enough rest. Also, it causes the brain to go into circular thinking, in which the worries cause anxiety, which results in even more worry. Check all the ways anxiety and depression are connected, and how to deal with them. Click here for more information.