Monday, August 31, 2020

Hyperhidrosis May Be Related To Anxiety And Depression

Hyperhidrosis May Be Related To Anxiety And Depression    

Hyperhidrosis is closely related to anxiety and depression. This is a condition in which the patient has excessive sweating. The study does not show that one condition is the result of the other, but that both may be related. Treatments include Botox injections in the underarms, and electrical stimulation for hand and feet sweating. More Information click here.


Anxiety And Depression Can Be Alleviated With Laughter

Anxiety And Depression Can Be Alleviated With Laughter    

Laughter releases endorphins, also known as the happy hormone, along with other hormones that are related to stress reduction, enhancing the immune system among others. They can be an excellent short-term relief from mental conditions such as depression, stress, and anxiety. Does this mean we should watch comedies? More details click here.


Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System

Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System    

Gut Bacteria Affect Other Parts Of The Body Besides The Digestive System    

The digestive system interacts with the rest of the body. Some of the symptoms of a digestive problem might appear in different parts of the body. While the most evident are heartburn and bloating, a low mood and depression can be related to digestive issues. It also makes us prefer fast food over healthy meals. This is due to certain bacteria affect the production of serotonin. Another symptom is a reduced immune system, leading to frequent colds and viruses, and hay fever. Poor sleeping is also related, due to protein-rich food increases the production of melatonin, a necessary hormone for a good sleep. More Information click here.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Stress Can Modify The Brain Structure

Stress Can Modify The Brain Structure    

Prolonged stress can physically affect a part of our brain. A study has found out that the amygdala, responsible for basic emotions, such as anxiety and fear, retracts and the branches that connect it to the rest of the brain appear to shrink. This was avoided with a new substance used as an anti-depressant. Click here for more info.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Anxiety Symptoms In Babies And Toddlers Might Be A Sign Of Autism

Anxiety Symptoms In Babies And Toddlers Might Be A Sign Of Autism    

These Conditions Are Common In Families And Might Share A Genetic Origin    

A study has shown that conditions such as fearfulness and shyness in babies and toddlers can predict autism at age 7. However, issues with impulse control and hyperactivity do not indicate autism features. Autism and anxiety have similar origins in the brain, but autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do not. This does not mean that autism and ADHD are not associated, only that they are less related than autism and anxiety. Statistics show that nearly 80 percent of people with autism also meet the criteria for ADHD or anxiety. Also, these conditions are common in families, which may show that they share a genetic origin. I addition, the younger siblings also had a high risk of other conditions, such as ADHD and anxiety. These discoveries will allow specialists to findings may help clinicians identify autism and ADHD at an early age. More details click here.


Cocoa And Coffee Reduces Anxiety And Increases Attention

Cocoa And Coffee Reduces Anxiety And Increases Attention    

Recent research found out that cocoa increases the blood flow in the brain, which increases attention. On the other hand, drinking coffee alone can increase anxiety. Therefore, mixing cocoa and caffeine, reduced the anxiety related to drinking only coffee. On the other hand, cocoa contains antioxidant, which will have a higher concentration if the cocoa is less processed and darker. It also has benefits for the cardiovascular system. Check all the health benefits of cocoa. More Information click here.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Study: Flotation Therapy To Treat Anxiety And Depression

Study: Flotation Therapy To Treat Anxiety And Depression    

A study shows that flotation therapy can be beneficial for anxiety and stress. This therapy consists of a tank in which the patient floats on a highly concentrated saline solution, at the same temperature of the body. The tank is closed, leading to sensory deprivation, which in turn, removes the mind of stressful situations. Click here for more info.


New Brain Chemical Could Control Anxiety And Depression

New Brain Chemical Could Control Anxiety And Depression    

Researchers have found a protein which inhibits neurons forming in the hippocampus, an area in the brain related to memories and also part of the limbic system, which controls the emotional responses. It is considered that the neurons in this area are related to anxiety. Reducing the production of this protein will help to lower anxiety and depression. Additional information click here.


Teeth Grinding Is Related To Acid Reflux, Fatigue, Stress, And Anxiety

Teeth Grinding Is Related To Acid Reflux, Fatigue, Stress, And Anxiety    

The Brain Pulls The Jaw Forward Due To Airflow Restriction In The Throat    

Teeth grinding usually occurs at night when sleeping and are caused when there is an airflow restriction, which causes the jaw to be pulled forward. This results in fatigue when waking up, and digestive problems, such as acid reflux, IBS and bloating. It also results in low blood pressure, which includes dizziness, and stress, anxiety, and depression. If untreated, it may lead to sleep apnea and even heart failure. More details click here.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Certain People Can Be More Productive When Being On A Bad Mood

Certain People Can Be More Productive When Being On A Bad Mood    

They Are Called High-Reactive People And Find Negative Emotions Less Distracting    

There are certain people who have better job performance when being in a bad mood. Even if this sounds strange, this mood fuels the thinking skills required to accomplish tasks. According to a study, there is a state called emotional reactivity, which is referred to the sensitivity, intensity, and duration of the emotional responses associated with moods. Persons with high emotional reactivity have rapid, intense, and enduring emotional responses. In these people, a bad mood is related to a better performance on executive function tasks, which involves the ability to focus attention, manage time and prioritize tasks. High-reactive people are more used to experience negative emotions and find them less distracting. On the other hand, low-reactive people are more productive in a good mood. This does not mean that a person must be grouchy or irritable to be productive, but that they can be more productive in a negative environment. Click here for more information.


Understanding What Causes Workplace Anxiety And How To Deal With It

Understanding What Causes Workplace Anxiety And How To Deal With It    

Anxiety in the workpiece can be generated with demanding projects, inability to deal with change, or fear of a layout, among others. It has also impact on the workplace because it leads to bad decision making because it interrupts the brain’s ability to ignore distractions, which interfere with decisions. This is not the only way anxiety affects the company’s revenues. What to do about it? More details here More info click here.


Avoid These Habits If You Are Feeling With Low Motivation

Avoid These Habits If You Are Feeling With Low Motivation    

We all have goals to achieve in our professional lives. However, there are times in which it seems that we have run out of motivation, and there is an inability to concentrate, anxiousness and pessimism. The reasons for lack of motivation can be “always busy”, trusting too much on willpower or having emotional exhaustion. More Information click here.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Alternate Nose Breathing Will Lower Stress Levels Naturally

Alternate Nose Breathing Will Lower Stress Levels Naturally    

It Also Improves Concentration And Promotes Calmness – Learn How To Do It    

Chronic stress has a negative effect on mind and body. There are natural ways to lower it, such as this ancient technique from India. It consists of alternate nose breathing, which decreases the levels of stress and anxiety, increases the vitality and helps with cough disorders, and leads to a state of serenity, improving concentration. How to do it? Sitting in a meditative position, inhale through the left nostril, closing the right one and exhale through the right one. Check the detailed procedure. More info click here.


Don’t Want Meds For Anxiety? Try Alternative Activities

Don’t Want Meds For Anxiety? Try Alternative Activities    

Anxiety is usually treated with meds, but sometimes their side effects make it worse. There are other ways to deal with it such as meditation, which will help you get rid of anxious thoughts. Yoga combines deep breathing with postures, or asanas, which tone your body and clear your mind. Essential oils have calming properties. You can also try creative activities, such as painting or writing. Check all the list. More details click here.


Switching Off Your Brain Before Going To Sleep

Switching Off Your Brain Before Going To Sleep    

When stress is related to the job, it is sometimes difficult to turn off the stress when arriving home, or when going to sleep. There are ways to turn off the brain, such as setting up a work boundary, have a ritual for the transition to sleep, avoid night news, among others. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Monday, August 24, 2020

Anxiety Is Two Times More Frequent In Women Than Men

Anxiety Is Two Times More Frequent In Women Than Men    

Anxiety is a global problem, but it has been rarely researched. A current study has shown that in the US, 4 in 100 have anxiety, but in the case of women, it is 8 in 100, but it is 3 in 100 in East Asia. Mental illness has focused on depression, but anxiety is as debilitating as depression. Additional information click here.


Cocoa And Coffee Reduces Anxiety And Increases Attention

Cocoa And Coffee Reduces Anxiety And Increases Attention    

Recent research found out that cocoa increases the blood flow in the brain, which increases attention. On the other hand, drinking coffee alone can increase anxiety. Therefore, mixing cocoa and caffeine, reduced the anxiety related to drinking only coffee. On the other hand, cocoa contains antioxidant, which will have a higher concentration if the cocoa is less processed and darker. It also has benefits for the cardiovascular system. Check all the health benefits of cocoa. More Information click here.


Stress And Anxiety May Cause Patients The Compulsion To Pull Their Hair Locks

Stress And Anxiety May Cause Patients The Compulsion To Pull Their Hair Locks    

This Condition Affects Women And 90% Can Go Undiagnosed    

Stress and anxiety can have a little-known effect on women: the compulsion to pull the hair. This condition is called trichotillomania, also known as TTM, and causes sufferers to pull their own locks, Due to the fact that it is little-known, 90% of the cases go undiagnosed. Additional info click here.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

How To Distinguish Normal Anxiety From Generalized Anxiety Disorder

How To Distinguish Normal Anxiety From Generalized Anxiety Disorder    

For most people, it is normal to feel casual anxiety. This is the case of an exam, a job interview, preparing for a speech, or on a date. But in the case of anxiety disorder, the emotions cause much suffering and dysfunction resulting in fatigue, panic attacks, and sleeping problems. Click here for more details.


Friday, August 21, 2020

Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia

Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia    

Acupressure is a natural way of healing. Pressing the correct point with your fingers can provide almost instant relief. There are points for back pain, for stress and anxiety, for insomnia, and for migraine and headache, among others. Check the list. More details here Click here for more details.


Energy And Sports Drinks Can Be As Harmful As Sugary Drinks

Energy And Sports Drinks Can Be As Harmful As Sugary Drinks    

The Acidic Content Can Affect The Tooth Enamel, Promote Bacterial Growth In The Mouth And Cause Acid Reflux And Anxiety    

Many people that energy drinks and sports drinks are healthier than sodas because of their low sugar content. However, they have a high acidity level, which can damage tooth enamel. Even though tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, an acidic environment can temporally soften them, increasing the risk or wear. Energy drinks have twice the acidity level of sports drinks. Acidity is measured by pH. A lower pH means higher acidity. Saliva has a pH between 6.8 and 7, which is considered neutral. A sip of an energy drink will lower the pH of the saliva to 2, taking 30 minutes to return to a normal level. During these 30 minutes, the enamel is exposed to a highly acidic environment. However, people do not take a sip of an energy drink, they take a full can or bottle or even several cans. The low sugar level gives people a false sense of security, but there are other risks besides the wear of enamel. The acid in the drink promotes the growth of bacteria, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. Energy drinks also cause acid reflux, which will also result in cavities if the stomach acid returns to the mouth. Another risk is a sense of anxiety, which can lead to tooth grinding. More info click here.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Yoga, Meditation, And Tai-Chi Can Reroute DNA Processes

Yoga, Meditation, And Tai-Chi Can Reroute DNA Processes    

This Reroute Improves Well-Being And Prevents Inflammation    

One of the techniques for lowering stress and anxiety are yoga, meditation, and tai chi. These activities are also called mind-body interventions, and studies have shown that they leave a molecular signature, which reverses the harmful effects of stress, specifically if it's related to inflammation. They cause the brain to route the DNA processes along a path that improves the body’s well-being. Also, these activities result in perceiving the situations in a different way, experience less stress and preventing the production of inflammatory proteins. More Information click here.


Nervous For A Big Presentation? Put The Anxiety To Your Favor

Nervous For A Big Presentation? Put The Anxiety To Your Favor    

Most of us have felt anxious and nervous prior to a speech. However, public speaking is not getting rid of the nervousness, but managing it to communicate and connect with the audience. How can you do it?. Additional details click here.


Dealing With Needle Phobia

Dealing With Needle Phobia    

There is a phobia condition called needle phobia. People who suffer not only have aversion to needles, but their body has a reaction to them, which includes low pressure, sweating, anxiety, and some symptoms of a panic attack. These can be caused even by the sight of a needle. How to deal with them? More Information click here.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Feeling Anxious? Avoid These Foods

Feeling Anxious? Avoid These Foods    

If suffering from anxiety, there are foods you must void. Caffeine is a mood-booster and will power up your morning, but beware, because it also increases the stress hormones, reduces the calming effects of neurotransmitters, and reduces blood flow to the brain, among others. Other foods are soy or tofu, which has ingredients that can put the hormones out of balance, and fructose heavy juices, which increases sugar, resulting in a boost in adrenaline production. More details click here.


Anxiety Does Not Let You Sleep Well? Try Mediation

Anxiety Does Not Let You Sleep Well? Try Mediation

Sometimes we get into bed and can’t be able to get some sleep. All the day’s problems, plus the things to do the next day are still running round in our head and can’t get rid of them. Meditation can help – it is like a vacation that relaxes all your body. Additional details click here.


The Causes Of Eating Anxiety And How To Prevent It

The Causes Of Eating Anxiety And How To Prevent It    

The Body Prepares The Body For Potential Danger, Sending Hunger Signals    

One of the effects of stress and anxiety is compulsive eating. The cause is that, in anxious situations, the brain focuses on immediate rewards over long-term goals. Therefore, it will prefer finishing a bag of cookies, over losing weight. Also, the hormone cortisol prepares the body for potential danger and sends hunger signals when there is no need to eat. However researchers found that eating comfort food, such as chocolates or ice cream, do not boost the mood, and if there is no comfort food, the result is the same. Also, once the food is over, there is a big disillusionment. The only way to stop this cycle is to acknowledge that eating is originated from anxiety and determine the source of anxiety. More Information click here.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

What Can Foods Help With Anxiety?

What Can Foods Help With Anxiety?    

Eating certain foods can help control anxiety. Foods rich in vitamin B such as almonds and avocados. Also probiotic foods, omega-2 foods, such s salmon and also foods rich in magnesium, such as beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grain. Additional info click here.


Certain People Can Be More Productive When Being On A Bad Mood

Certain People Can Be More Productive When Being On A Bad Mood    

They Are Called High-Reactive People And Find Negative Emotions Less Distracting    

There are certain people who have better job performance when being in a bad mood. Even if this sounds strange, this mood fuels the thinking skills required to accomplish tasks. According to a study, there is a state called emotional reactivity, which is referred to the sensitivity, intensity, and duration of the emotional responses associated with moods. Persons with high emotional reactivity have rapid, intense, and enduring emotional responses. In these people, a bad mood is related to a better performance on executive function tasks, which involves the ability to focus attention, manage time and prioritize tasks. High-reactive people are more used to experience negative emotions and find them less distracting. On the other hand, low-reactive people are more productive in a good mood. This does not mean that a person must be grouchy or irritable to be productive, but that they can be more productive in a negative environment. Click here for more information.


Exercise Can Improve Depression Symptoms

Exercise Can Improve Depression Symptoms    

It Can Eventually Replace Medications And Their Uncomfortable Side Effects    

Depression is usually treated by medications, but some of these drugs can have side effects, such as weight gain, loss of libido, digestive issues, headaches, dry mouth, and nausea. There are other ways to deal with it, such as practicing meditation or mindfulness. However, there is one way that can not only treat depression but also have positive effects on the body. It consists of going to the gym for 10 minutes per day. According to specialists, regularly exercising for an hour a week can lower the risk of depression by 12%. In this case, the benefits of physical activity can improve mental health. even replacing medication for some chronic mental health conditions, such as mild to moderate depression, anxiety and even dementia. Also, exercise has no uncomfortable side effects. More Information click here.


Monday, August 17, 2020

Do You Have Anxiety About Math And Numbers? You Might Have Dyscalculia

Do You Have Anxiety About Math And Numbers? You Might Have Dyscalculia    

Have you had problems and difficulties in math class, there will sometimes end in extreme anxiety? You might have Dyscalculia, which is a condition that affects the ability to acquire mathematical skills. It goes from lacking the aptitude to understand simple number concepts, problems learning number facts and procedures and even issues when calculating a tip. Click here for more details.


Social Anxiety Is Not Only About Shyness

Social Anxiety Is Not Only About Shyness    

Social anxiety is the fear of being judged by others. It is often confused by shyness, but it is really worse. Some of the characteristics of people with social anxiety are low confidence in the ability to express oneself correctly, so they avoid speaking. Also, they have an irrational fear of spending time with other people, worried about going through a panic attack. More Information click here.


Health Benefits Of Musical Therapy

Health Benefits Of Musical Therapy    

It Can Help With Mental Health Conditions And Insomnia    

Music therapy can have a series of benefits for children and adults. Children can develop reading and linguistic skills. It has stress and anxiety-reducing effect in adults and children alike, and also improves concentration and alertness. Also, studies have shown that it helps insomnia sufferers, improving sleep. It also helps with mental disorders, such as dementia, depression, and autism, reducing agitated behavior, improving physical coordination, and helping in the development of communication and social interactions Click here for more information.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium

Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium    

Magnesium Deficiency Might Result In Migraines, Insomnia, And Anxiety    

If you are dreaming about chocolates, it may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Dark chocolate, with a high percentage of cocoa, is a source of magnesium. This mineral is fundamental for many body processes, such as a proper nerve and muscle functioning. Lack of magnesium might lead to migraines, insomnia, anxiety, difficulty to concentrate and extreme fatigue. More details click here.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Hyperhidrosis May Be Related To Anxiety And Depression

Hyperhidrosis May Be Related To Anxiety And Depression    

Hyperhidrosis is closely related to anxiety and depression. This is a condition in which the patient has excessive sweating. The study does not show that one condition is the result of the other, but that both may be related. Treatments include Botox injections in the underarms, and electrical stimulation for hand and feet sweating. More Information click here.


Workaholics Have More Risk Of Getting Anxiety, Depression, OCD, And ADHD

Workaholics Have More Risk Of Getting Anxiety, Depression, OCD, And ADHD    

There are people that cannot leave their work at the office, continue the work at home, working at nights and weekends and are unable to disconnect. A study has found that these are more prone to have ADHD, OCD, anxiety, and depression. Additional info click here.


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Controlling Road Rage In Heavy Traffic

Controlling Road Rage In Heavy Traffic    

Excessive traffic can be exasperating, which leads to a type of anger called road rage. This is shown as anger against other drivers. It is manifested in people that have trouble handling stress. How to deal with it? Click here for more information.


New Treatment For Anxiety And Depression Based On Living Near Nature And Birds

New Treatment For Anxiety And Depression Based On Living Near Nature And Birds    

According to a study, living near nature, in places surrounded by plants and birds, has had a positive effect on treating anxiety and depression. This motivates the patients to go outside, because, according to another study, staying indoors increases depression. More info click here.


Certain Drugs May Include Depression As An Unwanted Side Effect

Certain Drugs May Include Depression As An Unwanted Side Effect    

Among These Are PPIs For Treating Acid Reflux, And Beta-Blockers For High Blood Pressure    

Most drugs help to treat certain health conditions, but may also have side effects. One of these side effects is depression. Among these drugs are proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), which are used to treat acid reflux, birth control pills, and emergency contraceptives, beta-blockers used to treat high blood pressure, and anticonvulsants like gabapentin, among others. The risk of depression increases if the patients are taking various medications. A study on a group of patients revealed 6.9% had depression if taking one drug, but more than 15% had depression if taking three or more drugs. This was compared with patients that did not take any of these drugs, which had a depression rate of 4.7%. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Frequent Types Of Anxiety Disorders

Frequent Types Of Anxiety Disorders    

Most of us know about more than one type of anxiety. The most common is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which makes patients feel fatigued, exhausted and with insomnia. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) causes extreme discomfort and affects the patient’s quality of life. Others are Social Anxiety disorder, panic disorder, PTSD and Phobias. Review the full list. More Information click here.


Identifying Social Anxiety In Kids

Identifying Social Anxiety In Kids    

Social anxiety in kids is usually confused by shyness. There are several signs that might help you identify it, such as having difficulties in talking to other kids or adults, excessive worry about their appearance, that they will do or say something embarrassing, or what other people think about them. Additional details click here.


White Noise Can Be Used As A Treatment For Tinnitus And Anxiety

White Noise Can Be Used As A Treatment For Tinnitus And Anxiety    

It Masks Unwanted Noise And Prevents Complete Silence Helping Also With Studying And Insomnia    

White noise has been used for providing relaxation and improving sleep. However, for most people, it is not very clear what is white noise and its properties. It sounds very similar to a fuzzy sound when all the sounds are present at the same time. This does not appear as a natural sound and is available in recordings and white noise machines. white noise contains all the frequencies, but there are other "colored" noises, with other frequencies, which has other effects. According to a study, people who slept with white noise had no change in the average amount of sleep, but people fell asleep 40% faster on average. Also, white noise masks background noises at night, which might cause sleep fragmentation, such as a ticking clock, smartphone notifications, or traffic sounds. Also, according to another study, it helps babies to sleep. 80% of the babies included in a white noise group fell asleep, within five minutes while only 25% of the babies in another group without white noise fell asleep during that time. It is also beneficial for babies because it blocks domestic sounds, such as conversation of parents, brothers or sisters. It also emulates internal psychological sound when the baby was in the womb, such as, such as heartbeat or digestion. It also helps with anxiety, because can block one of its causes, which is unwanted and intermittent sounds and noise that can be difficult to ignore. In this case, white noise works as a mantra. It is also beneficial for studying. According to researchers, it increases the ability to remember the names of objects and also blocks annoying sounds that can be heard in a quiet room. Another benefit of white noise is tinnitus treatment. This is a condition in which the brain generates a ringing sound. It can be triggered when there is complete silence when the brain is not listening to sounds, it increases its sensitivity, and insert its neural noise, which is sensed as a ringing noise. White noise fills this absence or noise, preventing tinnitus.


Certain Sounds Cause An Extremely Negative Reaction To People

Certain Sounds Cause An Extremely Negative Reaction To People    

It Can Produce Anger, Anxiety, And Even Hypertension And Higher Heart Rate    

There is a condition in which people react negatively to certain sounds. It is called misophonia, in which people overreact to determinate sounds, such as slurping drinks, tapping the fingers, or keyboard clicks, among others. Their reaction is disproportionate, and people are aware that they cannot control it. According to specialists, this aversion develops in childhood and gets worse over time. The reaction includes emotional responses, such as anger and anxiety, and also physiological responses, like hypertension and higher heart rate. It can also be caused by other conditions, such as tinnitus, OCD, or eating disorders. Consequences in sufferers include avoiding social situations and broken relationships. Additional information click here.


Anxiety Plus Depression: Treating Both Conditions

Anxiety Plus Depression: Treating Both Conditions    

Anxiety can result from a stressful job, family or health problems, or financial issues. Half of the people diagnosed with anxiety will also have depression. These conditions can be treated. The bad news is that only one-third of the people with both illnesses seek medical help. People with both conditions usually have poor sleep, have difficulty maintaining friendships or handle correctly the job stress, and have motivation issues. Check the full list. Click here for more details.


Drug-Free Treatments For IBS

Drug-Free Treatments For IBS    

Among Them Are Stress Reduction And Special Diets    

There is a gastrointestinal condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It affects the processing time of the food matter inside the intestine. If the process is too slow, the result will be constipation, but if it is too fast, the intestine won’t be able to extract the water properly from the food matter, leading to diarrhea. In some cases, both conditions are present. It is treated by medications, but in some cases, patients do not respond to the medication, or cannot stand the side effects. However, there are some drug-free was to reduce the symptoms of IBS. One of them is reducing the stress level, which affects digestion. This is because the principal concentration of neurons besides the brain and spinal cord is in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, stress hormones, such as cortisol, can alter movement through the gastrointestinal tract (speeding it up or slowing it down). Among the stress-reducing techniques are meditation and mindfulness. These will reduce the frequency and severity of IBS-related symptoms, as well as abdominal pain and improve bowel habits. Other drug-free treatments are special diets, low in certain dietary sugars, and low in gluten. More info click here.


Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover

Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover    

Among The Symptoms Are Sleep Disorders, Headaches, Acid Reflux, Excess Anxiety, And Heart Palpitations    

Sometimes a deadline, final exams, or preparing a presentation can demand us working late for several nights. Most think about avoiding sleepiness with a good cup of coffee. And when one cup is not enough, the solution may be two or three more until the job is done. But what happens with the body when there is excessive caffeine ingestion? It can suffer from a caffeine hangover. People have different degrees of tolerance for alcohol. The same happens with caffeine. One symptom is a strong headache, however, caffeine is included in many headache medications. Specialists believe that excess caffeine can increase the risk of headache due to medication overuse. Another symptom is insomnia, even after many hours of taking the last cup. This is because the metabolism slows down with age, delaying the absorption of caffeine. The heart also can suffer, with a fast rate or palpitations. Excess caffeine in the body can affect the gastrointestinal system, promoting acid secretion in the stomach, and relaxing the gastroesophageal valve, which causes the food matter to return to the esophagus and throat, causing heartburn. In the case of patients already suffering from heartburn, it worsens this condition. Too much coffee also causes excess anxiety by stimulating the release of the hormone cortisol, which sets the body in a fight-or-flight situation. More info click here.


Dealing With Prolonged Anxiety

Dealing With Prolonged Anxiety    

Prolonged anxiety is an irrational fear, and will also put your body under unnecessary stress. There are ways to deal with it. Among them are acknowledging it is real and seek the help of specialists, look for stressors to find how to eliminate them, less caffeine, and go for more sleep and relaxation with techniques such as yoga or meditation. Additional information click here.


Study: Anxiety Drugs May Decrease Empathy

Study: Anxiety Drugs May Decrease Empathy    

Anxiety medication midazolam might turn excess worriers into unemotional and with poor empathy. Experiments on rats showed that the medicated rodents did not care in helping other rats in distress. More Information click here.


How You Breathe Is Connected To Your Stress Level

How You Breathe Is Connected To Your Stress Level    

The next time you feel stressed, check how you are breathing. If the breathing is shallow, it is reaching only the upper lungs, resulting in shorter breaths and less volume. This means less oxygen to the brain and less effective thinking. Therefore, if the breathing is fuller, it will also inflate the lower chest, which means more oxygen. Click here for more info.


Symptoms Of A Nervous Breakdown And What To Do About It

Symptoms Of A Nervous Breakdown And What To Do About It    

A nervous breakdown happens when the person is so overwhelmed by stress that he cannot function normally. This might be a result of money issues, a loss of a family member or close friend, or a break-up. However, a person might not be aware that he is having this condition. There are symptoms that can help identify it, such as anxiety and depression, poor or excessive sleeping, extreme tiredness, and even breathing difficulty. Check all the symptoms. Additional information click here.


These Positive Affirmations Will Help Keeping Anxiety Away

These Positive Affirmations Will Help Keeping Anxiety Away    

One of the natural ways to control anxiety. One of them is using positive affirmations, in which certain phrases, repeated many times, have excellent effects in keeping anxiety away. Check the list of phrases. Click here for more information.


Anxiety Usually Based On Wrong And Irrational Beliefs

Anxiety Usually Based On Wrong And Irrational Beliefs    

Anxiety is sometimes combined with irrational thoughts. The problem is that the sufferer is unable to distinguish these thoughts from the rational ones. Some of them are based on catastrophes and the worst possible consequences. Others are based on wrong beliefs, such as the feeling of being worthless. Check how to detect these thoughts. More Information click here.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Resistance Training Can Help Decrease Anxiety

Resistance Training Can Help Decrease Anxiety    

It Reduces The Shrinkage Of The White Matter In The Brain    

Many studies have related lowering anxiety with exercise, but most have been oriented to aerobic exercise. Recent studies have also shown that resistance training decreases anxiety. One reason for this might be the distraction the exercise causes. Other reason might be linked to the white matter in the brain. Changes in white matter occur with age and are considered to be involved in cognitive and behavioral issues. Resistance training decreases the shrinkage of white matter. Additional info click here.


Sunday Night Insomnia Can Be A Serious Problem

Sunday Night Insomnia Can Be A Serious Problem    

Many people suffer from insomnia. There are cases in which this id frequent on Sunday nights. The reason is anxiety, resulting in constant thoughts on Monday work. It gets worse if Monday stars with a meeting and status updates. Unfortunately, this also causes anxiety throughout the week. More here,  More Information click here.


Study: Anxiety In Mid-Life Is Related To Dementia And Cognitive Decline At A Later Life.

Study: Anxiety In Mid-Life Is Related To Dementia And Cognitive Decline At A Later Life.    

Physical Changes Due To Anxiety And Chronic Stress May Increase The Risk Of Dementia    

According to a study, persons with anxiety in middle life have an increased risk of developing dementia in later life. However, it is not clear if dementia is a result of anxiety at an earlier life, or if anxiety is an early symptom of dementia. However, chronic anxiety generates a stress response via the hormone cortisol, which sets the body in a fight-or-flight situation. This hormone accelerates the aging of cells and promotes changes in the nervous system, which could increase the risk of dementia. Dementia is a neurodegenerative condition, which means that the symptoms will get gradually worse. Among these symptoms are mood changes, and problems following a conversation, with movement, and with concentration. However, the process leading to dementia begins in the brain 20 years before the symptoms show. Click here for more information.


Monday, August 10, 2020

Anti-Anxiety Medication Shown Devastating Side Effects…On Salmon

Anti-Anxiety Medication Shown Devastating Side Effects…On Salmon    

 A study has shown the effects of anti-anxiety medication on salmon. While salmon experience stress while migrating to areas where they may encounter predators, ingesting anti-anxiety drugs makes them less inhibited, migrating faster and farther, on potentially reckless behavior. More Information click here.


Learning About The Types Of Anxiety Disorder

Learning About The Types Of Anxiety Disorder    

There Are Eleven Classes, According To The Latest Information    

According to the latest Diagnostic Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, there are 11 classes of anxiety disorder. The difference is based on different objects or situations that induce fear, anxiety or avoidance behavior. Among these are separation anxiety disorders, which occurs when one is separated from one's parents or pet. Selective mutism is failing to speak in certain situations and specific and social phobias. Also, panic disorders, in which the person is excessively fearful of the panic attack, and agoraphobia, in which one is fearful of situations in which, should a panic attack should happen, it will be difficult to escape. Check all the types of anxiety. More info here Click here for more details.


Artistic Activity Will Help Reduce Stress

Artistic Activity Will Help Reduce Stress    

Feeling stressed? The suggested solutions are meditation, yoga, breathing, but if you want to try an alternate procedure, try art. A study measured the levels of cortisol, the hormone generated when the body is in a stressful situation and found out that it was reduced after a 45-minute session. Additional information click here.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

What Can Foods Help With Anxiety?

What Can Foods Help With Anxiety?    

Eating certain foods can help control anxiety. Foods rich in vitamin B such as almonds and avocados. Also probiotic foods, omega-2 foods, such s salmon and also foods rich in magnesium, such as beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grain. Additional info click here.


Friday, August 7, 2020

Untreated Anxiety May Result In Changes In The Brain And In The Personality

Untreated Anxiety May Result In Changes In The Brain And In The Personality    

It Can Lead To Lack Of Concentration, Inability To Calm Down, And Changes In The Neural Pathways In The Brain    

We have explained before the harmful effects of chronic anxiety over the body. However, there are also effects on the brain and even the personality. Stress and anxiety prepare the body for potential short-term dangers. Chronic anxiety prepares the body for constant, non-stop dangers. One of the problems is related to a problem in concentration, which may lead to impaired thinking, also known as lack of focus, being unable to stop intrusive thoughts. There is also an inability to self-regulate, or calm down, which sets the body in a constant state of anxiety. Anxious people have a high risk of training the mind to set up anxiety pathways. This means that, in many situations, the brain will take automatically the anxiety pathways because it has been trained to do so. There is also the risk that the original anxiety increases into more anxiety. Check all the changes caused by chronic anxiety. Additional info click here.


Health Benefits Of Musical Therapy

Health Benefits Of Musical Therapy    

It Can Help With Mental Health Conditions And Insomnia    

Music therapy can have a series of benefits for children and adults. Children can develop reading and linguistic skills. It has stress and anxiety-reducing effect in adults and children alike, and also improves concentration and alertness. Also, studies have shown that it helps insomnia sufferers, improving sleep. It also helps with mental disorders, such as dementia, depression, and autism, reducing agitated behavior, improving physical coordination, and helping in the development of communication and social interactions Click here for more information.