Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Anxiety Is Related To Frequency Urination – Learn The Reasons

Anxiety Is Related To Frequency Urination – Learn The Reasons    

How The Bladder Responds To Anxious Situations    

Excess stress is liked to frequent urination. In the worst case, it can even lead to loss of bladder control. One of the reasons might be the brain’s limbic system, which is connected to the fight-or-flight response to anxious situations. In extreme cases, like a life-threatening situation, the limbic system can take control over the bladder area, releasing the urine. On the other hand, when the body prepares itself for an anxious situation, such as public speaking or a job interview, the body forces to eliminate the urine rather sooner than later. Another case can be an overactive bladder, in which an anxious situation forces us to go to the bathroom when the bladder is slightly stretched. The opposite can happen too when trying to urinate in public places. Additional information click here.


Study: Anxiety Related To High Risk Of Diabetes

Study: Anxiety Related To High Risk Of Diabetes    

A study has found a relationship between anxiety and stress, and diabetes. Anxiety promotes the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, proteins that contain a substance that is associated with a higher risk of diabetes and high blood glucose. More Information click here.


Night Sweats In Women Are Not Only Triggered By Hormone Levels

Night Sweats In Women Are Not Only Triggered By Hormone Levels    

Other Causes May Be Excess Alcohol Intake, Sleep Apnea, Or Anxiety    

Night sweats are common in 30% of women. It is not only uncomfortable but can also decrease the sleep quality. It can be triggered by infections, the time of the day and variations in hormone levels, which is why it is related to menopause. However, it can also be caused by excess alcohol, sleep apnea, and anxiety. There are solutions for alleviating this condition. The most obvious is avoiding heavy or thick duvets or blankets. If you are overweight, losing weight also helps since you might be experiencing overheating. Also, it is a good idea to get the hormone levels checked. More Information click here.


Stress And Anxiety Treatment With Essential Oils

Stress And Anxiety Treatment With Essential Oils    

Essential oils have fragrances that can help control anxiety. In the case of pregnant women, there are being used during labor and postpartum. For example, peppermint can help manage headaches, nausea, muscle aches, and nasal congestion. Lavender and rose can help reduce anxiety in labor. Additional info click here.


Monday, June 29, 2020

People Are Receiving Treatment For Alzheimer’s Perhaps Don’t Have It

People Are Receiving Treatment For Alzheimer’s Perhaps Don’t Have It    

Effective Diagnosis Requires PET Scans, Which Are Expensive And Not Always Covered By Insurance    

A study found out that many patients treated for Alzheimer’s did not have the disease. Half of them had mild cognitive impairment and 70% had an amyloid plaque in their brains, which is a marker for Alzheimer’s. These might have the condition, but the remaining 50% and 30% definitively don’t have it. Unfortunately, the only way to diagnose the amyloid plaques is through PET scans or invasive spinal taps, and these are very expensive and not always covered by insurance. However, if the patient does not have it, allows the doctor to turn to a less expensive and more effective treatment. Click here for more information.


There Can Be Optimism For Alzheimer’s

There Can Be Optimism For Alzheimer’s    

Alzheimer is present in many homes, affecting the quality of life of the patients and the ones who have to take care of them. There is no cure and no major medical breakthroughs. However, there are studies being carried on to identify when there are normal cognition and mild cognitive impairment, and the factors that cause them. Additional info click here.


Feeling Tired? These Can Be The Causes

Feeling Tired? These Can Be The Causes    

When people feel constantly tired, the first idea that comes to mind is poor sleep. However, the main reason is really anxiety and stress, which are conditions that are demanding to the body and result in fatigue. On the other side, anxiety medication also causes fatigue. What to do about it? Additional info click here.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Common Negative Thoughts In Anxious People And How To Deal With Them

Common Negative Thoughts In Anxious People And How To Deal With Them    

A person in an anxious situation is more susceptible to believing distorted and negative thoughts. Here are common thoughts, such as having certain symptoms and thinking on the worst disease related to them, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (also known as the checking disease), which makes you double check each door, window, switches, and power plugs, among others. They also forget every praise at work and remember every criticism, so they think they will be fired at any moment. More info click here.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Sleeping More Than Six Hours Will Improve Mental Health

Sleeping More Than Six Hours Will Improve Mental Health    

A study has related fewer hours of sleep with a higher risk of anxiety or depression. Six hours is the minimum for avoiding mental health problems. Lack of sleep also results in obesity and cardiovascular conditions. Click here for more information.


Nervous For A Big Presentation? Put The Anxiety To Your Favor

Nervous For A Big Presentation? Put The Anxiety To Your Favor    

Most of us have felt anxious and nervous prior to a speech. However, public speaking is not getting rid of the nervousness, but managing it to communicate and connect with the audience. How can you do it?. Additional details click here.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn    

It Also Helps Relieve Tension Headaches, Promotes Hair Growth, And Reduces Anxiety    

Peppermint has health benefits, such as pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties. In the form of essential oil and capsules, it can help in treating digestive conditions and headaches. It is rich in menthol, which is considered to be the bioactive ingredient that provides its health benefits. It helps in treating irritable bowel disease (IBS), which has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and changes in stool patterns. The menthol in the peppermint oil helps to ease the symptoms up to 79%, relaxing the stomach and digestive tract muscles. It also can reduce indigestion by decreasing the contractions in the esophagus, and also reduce heartburn symptoms. It can also help relieve tension headaches and other chronic pain conditions, due to the methanol included in peppermint. It is also beneficial for hair growth, according to research in mice, and anxiety, in the form of aromatherapy, reducing the stress responses. Additional info click here.


Anxiety And Depression Can Be Alleviated With Laughter

Anxiety And Depression Can Be Alleviated With Laughter    

Laughter releases endorphins, also known as the happy hormone, along with other hormones that are related to stress reduction, enhancing the immune system among others. They can be an excellent short-term relief from mental conditions such as depression, stress, and anxiety. Does this mean we should watch comedies? More details click here.


Look For These Physical Symptoms Of Depression

Look For These Physical Symptoms Of Depression    

Some symptoms of depression are sadness, feeling tired, and unmotivated. But there are also physical symptoms. Among these are migraines, digestive conditions such as diarrhea, IBS or constipation, joint and chest pains, and backaches. Click here for more details.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Identifying The Symptoms Of Anxiety

Identifying The Symptoms Of Anxiety    

One Of The Main Signs Is Excess Worrying And Losing Control Over It    

Everybody worries about something. Our jobs, families, financials, and health, to name some. It is normal to worry – in fact, it is a defense mechanism and allows us to stay ahead of things. The problem comes with excessive worrying and losing control over it, which turn into anxiety. This also happens when worrying about multiple things, including minor matters. Over time, this will affect the body and generate excessive stress, impairing work or family life. More details click here.


These Techniques Will Help You To Destress Quickly

These Techniques Will Help You To Destress Quickly    

Sometimes we feel stressed and can be able to control it. In these cases, there are ways to get rid of the stressful sensation quickly and easily. Among them are chewing gum, meditation, pouring cold water on the wrists, which have major arteries and can cause a refreshing sensation. Other are closing your eyes, stretching, and even smelling coffee. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Anxiety Will Trick Your Mind Into These Irrational Thoughts

Anxiety Will Trick Your Mind Into These Irrational Thoughts    

When people feel anxious, their brain plays tricks on them resulting in completely irrational thoughts. Among these is the inability to breathe due to a panic attack, low self-esteem leading to a sensation of failure and being a burden to all. Check all the list. More details click here.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Why Is Panic Disorder Different From Other Mental Conditions?

Why Is Panic Disorder Different From Other Mental Conditions?    

Panic disorder is not just another type of anxiety. It is unpredictable, appearing at any moment with no apparent warning signs. Also, it is not like other mental illness that is related to the brain. It also affects the heart rate, shortness of breath, excess sweating, and dizziness. Check all the characteristics of panic disorder. Additional info click here.


Identifying The Symptoms Of Social Anxiety

Identifying The Symptoms Of Social Anxiety    

It Can Be Confused With Shyness And Introversion    

Social anxiety is usually confused with shyness. However, there are other signs that help to identify if the condition is social anxiety. There are two main types of this condition. One of them is social interaction anxiety, which occurs in meetings, social gatherings, and individual conversations. The other is called social performance and observations which happens in performances, such as presentations, interviews, or even games. In both cases, there is an excessive worry of being embarrassed in front of a group of people. This causes extreme anxiety in these situations and general avoidance of social situations. However, it also has physical symptoms, such as excess sweating, feeling tense, nausea, “butterflies in the stomach” and trembling. Shyness and introversion may be similar to social anxiety, but people with social anxiety disorder usually require treatment. More info click here.


Frequent Nightmares Can Be Treated By Image Rehearsal Therapy

Frequent Nightmares Can Be Treated By Image Rehearsal Therapy    

Untreated, They Can Affect The Quality Of Life And Aggravate An Underlying Mental Illness, Such As Depression Or Anxiety.    

Having frequent nightmares is also known as dream anxiety disorder, which occurs in approximately 4% of adults. One of the treatment procedures is called image rehearsal therapy. It is used when nightmares are related to traumatic memories generated by stressful events, as in the case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The treatment consists in modifying the content of a nightmare by creating a new set of positive images and rehearsing the rewritten dream scenario while awake. There are additional treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and prescription medications. Frequent nightmares can cause clinically significant distress, impairing quality of life. Impairment, and can aggravate an underlying mental illness, such as depression or anxiety. Click here for more details.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System

Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System    

Gut Bacteria Affect Other Parts Of The Body Besides The Digestive System    

The digestive system interacts with the rest of the body. Some of the symptoms of a digestive problem might appear in different parts of the body. While the most evident are heartburn and bloating, a low mood and depression can be related to digestive issues. It also makes us prefer fast food over healthy meals. This is due to certain bacteria affect the production of serotonin. Another symptom is a reduced immune system, leading to frequent colds and viruses, and hay fever. Poor sleeping is also related, due to protein-rich food increases the production of melatonin, a necessary hormone for a good sleep. More Information click here.


These Smartphone Apps Can Help With Stress And Depression

These Smartphone Apps Can Help With Stress And Depression    

There are apps and software to help monitor and treat anxiety. For example, Pacifica can track your mood and your health, and also has a relaxation technique. Another app will help control OCD via exercises. Check all the apps. Click here for more information.


Anxious About The News? Here’s Why

Anxious About The News? Here’s Why    

Many news is about natural disasters, attacks, wars, and in some people it may be the cause of anxiety. These people have a different perception level and may feel scared and anxious about the news. If this is the case, one way to avoid it is to take the news on small doses or learn to disengage. Additional info click here.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

This Smart Patch Monitors Stress Levels

This Smart Patch Monitors Stress Levels    

It Detects Heart Rate And Shallow Breathing    

A new device, called a smart patch, can help to monitor stress levels. Even though most people have different responses to stress, there are common indicators, such as high heart rate and shallow breathing. The patch is located on the chest, and when it detects stress, it guides you breathing with subtle vibrations. It increases the natural heart rate variability (HRV), which is a biomarker for physical and psychological health. A low HRV is related to anxiety, poor performance, and distraction, which we would like to avoid. Click here for more details.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Study: Anxiety Related To High Risk Of Diabetes

Study: Anxiety Related To High Risk Of Diabetes    

A study has found a relationship between anxiety and stress, and diabetes. Anxiety promotes the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, proteins that contain a substance that is associated with a higher risk of diabetes and high blood glucose. More Information click here.


Good Posture Boosts Confidence In Anxiety-Inducing Activities

Good Posture Boosts Confidence In Anxiety-Inducing Activities    

On The Opposite, A Slumped Posture Puts The Body In A Defensive Posture, Affecting Performance    

Good posture not only aligns the body and provides proper support for the core and the spine, preventing back pain and neck and joint pain. It also gives us confidence. In other words, it not only reflects what others see in us but also affects how we see ourselves. A study related to math problems was performed on a group of students. When the sat in an upright position, they had less difficulty solving the problems, as opposed to other students who sat in a slumped or slouched position. According to the study, slumping is a defensive posture, which distracts the brain, making it underperform, and also triggers negative memories. Also, the posture affected how the students felt about the test, rather than the test itself. According to specialists, a poor posture sets the body in a defensive position, which could increase the sensation of anxiety. It can also affect not only tests but other anxiety-inducing activities, such as a job interview. A good posture could also give more confidence to athletes, public speakers, and musicians, among others. More Information click here.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids

Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids    

Sometimes parents are in an anxious situation. Unfortunately, there are cases in which this anxiety is reflected in their kids. There are ways to avoid this. One of them is not projecting the parents’ experiences of the kids. Also, not describing situations as a source of anxiety or scary, unless the child does. Check all the ways to avoid anxiety on kids. Click here for more details.


Social Anxiety Is Not To Be Confused With Extreme Shyness

Social Anxiety Is Not To Be Confused With Extreme Shyness    

Social anxiety is sometimes confused for extreme shyness. However, it is a condition that causes fear of social interactions and to be judged by others. It can also have physiological symptoms, like a racing heart, trembling and dry mouth. Additional info click here.


Health Benefits Of Fermented Foods

Health Benefits Of Fermented Foods    

They Promote Gut Health, Decrease The Risk Of Heart Disease, And Help With Social Anxiety    

Fermented foods and drinks have a series of health benefits. Among them are sauerkraut, kimchi. Pickles, and kombucha, which is a fermented tea. Fermented foods also help with hut health, and some believe that it reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even social anxiety. In addition, probiotics can be found in fermented dairy or vegetable products. Also, many costly gourmet foods are fermented ones because the fermentation process creates very strong flavors. According to specialists, fermented food has a flavor between fresh and rotten. In many cases, this is due to a sour or tangy flavor because of lactic acid, which is one of the main products of the fermentation process. Besides providing health benefits to the gut, which is the bacteria in the intestine, probiotics also improve immunity, help controlling blood pressure, relieve irritable bowel syndrome, and aid with the digestion of lactose in the case of lactose intolerance. Also, the procedure to ferment food have been used thousands of years ago as a mean to preserve food, when not cans or refrigerators were available. More info click here.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

This App Works Like Attending A Meditation Class At Lunchtime

This App Works Like Attending A Meditation Class At Lunchtime    

It Helps Breaking The Stressful Cycle Caused By Excess Activities At Jobs Or Personal Life    

It is possible to relieve stress and anxiety in 10 minutes with this app. Many people push themselves with excessive activities at their jobs, or their social and personal lives, resulting in stress and anxiety. This app helps in breaking this stressful cycle, through a combination of soothing sound and meditation guidance created with the help of an AI. It is like attending meditation classes during a lunch break, following instructions for breathing. It includes multi-part courses that last between five and nine days and also allows tracking the progress over time. Additional info click here.


Anxiety Is Two Times More Frequent In Women Than Men

Anxiety Is Two Times More Frequent In Women Than Men    

Anxiety is a global problem, but it has been rarely researched. A current study has shown that in the US, 4 in 100 have anxiety, but in the case of women, it is 8 in 100, but it is 3 in 100 in East Asia. Mental illness has focused on depression, but anxiety is as debilitating as depression. Additional information click here.


Weekend Anxiety Is Caused By Excess Of Social Pressure By Friends And Family

Weekend Anxiety Is Caused By Excess Of Social Pressure By Friends And Family    

Also, Workaholics And Perfectionists Find Difficult To Deal With Free Time    

Monday anxiety is related to work and is a fear of all the deadlines, responsibilities, and pending issues that might show on the week. However, there is another type of anxiety, called weekend anxiety, in which there is a fear of not accomplishing what was planned for the weekend. The cause is pressure to do things right with friends and family on a short amount of time. Also, on Monday everybody talks about their weekend and sometimes one feels that everybody else had a better weekend. This gets worse with workaholics and perfectionists, which don’t know how to deal with their free time. More info click here.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Artistic Activity Will Help Reduce Stress

Artistic Activity Will Help Reduce Stress    

Feeling stressed? The suggested solutions are meditation, yoga, breathing, but if you want to try an alternate procedure, try art. A study measured the levels of cortisol, the hormone generated when the body is in a stressful situation and found out that it was reduced after a 45-minute session. Additional information click here.


Craniosacral Therapy For Tinnitus Treatment

Craniosacral Therapy For Tinnitus Treatment    

It Can Also Be Used To Treat Anxiety, Insomnia, Headaches, And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome    

There are professional activities that have greater exposure to loud noises, such as musicians, and DJ. This is how one of them dealt with this condition. In noise-induced hearing loss, the hair cells in the cochlea become damaged, the sensory information sensory sent to the brain is incomplete. Therefore, the ear tries to find the missing information – analogous to a phantom limb – which results in the communication of a ringing sensation back to the brain. This worsens when there is chronic stress, which prepares the body for a dangerous situation. Among the effects is a hypersensitivity of the nervous system, in which the brain amplifies the nervous impulses that come through the senses, including the tinnitus noise. Craniosacral therapy looks for any tensions, imbalances, restrictions or disturbances, calming the central nervous system, which is directly linked to the cranial nerves of the ears and reducing the chronic stress, resulting in the decrease of tinnitus symptoms. It can be used also to treat anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome, among others. Click here for more info.


Treating Social Anxiety With Exposure Therapy

Treating Social Anxiety With Exposure Therapy    

Social anxiety is a constant fear of being judged or humiliated. As a result, the person has difficulty to interact with other persons, and it is frequently misunderstood as shyness. One way to overcome this is exposure therapy, in which the person faces these social situations with the help of a therapist. More info click here.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Driving Makes You Anxious? Check These Tips

Driving Makes You Anxious? Check These Tips    

Driving anxiety may appear if you are learning to drive, you have had an accident, or are in an unfamiliar situation such as driving a new car. Some tips to overcome it are taking deep breaths, reduce distractions, such as loud music, and loosen up, relaxing your body. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


Is Your Partner Suffering From Anxiety? How To Give Him Support

Is Your Partner Suffering From Anxiety? How To Give Him Support

Is your partner suffering from anxiety? Sometimes you don’t know what to do about it and try to figure out how to help her or him without making things worse. There are some guidelines you can follow, such as that the small things matter, asking them how they feel and don’t put pressure or ask why. Check the full list. More details click here.


Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids

Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids    

Sometimes parents are in an anxious situation. Unfortunately, there are cases in which this anxiety is reflected in their kids. There are ways to avoid this. One of them is not projecting the parents’ experiences of the kids. Also, not describing situations as a source of anxiety or scary, unless the child does. Check all the ways to avoid anxiety on kids. Click here for more details.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Learn The Correct Use Of Deep Breathing Technique To Control Stress

Learn The Correct Use Of Deep Breathing Technique To Control Stress    

It Turns Off The Nervous System Responsible For Stress Signals And Activated The Other Nervous System That Sends Relaxation Signals    

One of the ways to control anxiety is through breathing techniques, but the reason is not clear for most people. Excess anxiety and acute stress activate the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for all the physiological stress symptoms, such as an increased heartbeat, faster breathing, and sweating. These are caused by the release of the hormone cortisol. Which puts the body in a fight or flight state. On the other hand, the parasympathetic nervous system allows the body to relax by signaling that we are safe. Therefore, the idea is to turn down the sympathetic system and activate the parasympathetic system, which can be done breathing deeply, with the exhaling longer that the inhaling. Learn about all the tips about using breathing to beat stress. More info click here.


Friday, June 12, 2020

These Behaviors Will Help Destress Your Life

These Behaviors Will Help Destress Your Life    

Yoga and relaxation are always advised to reduce stress. However, there are also alternate ways to deal with it. Among them are eco-therapy, in which you exercise and interact with nature, outdoors. Others are liberating your mind by putting feelings into words, reading fiction and doing things that make you feel good, among others. Click here for more info.


These Fruit Juices Are Not Good If Taking Medicines

These Fruit Juices Are Not Good If Taking Medicines    

Many drugs can react with a series of fruit juices, reducing their effectiveness and even being counter-productive.  For example, grapefruit juice reacts with more than 40 types of drugs, especially for high blood pressure or arrhythmia. Cranberry juice can interact with drugs that prevent blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. Pineapple juice can react with depression and anxiety medicines. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Unable To Talk? You May Suffer From Selective Mutism

Unable To Talk? You May Suffer From Selective Mutism    

Selective mutism is a disorder that restricts speaking to select individuals or in select settings, continuing for more than one month. It is not a disability, but anxiety surrounded by a social context. It is often confused by general shyness. More Information click here.


Scientists Explain Low Socialization Among Smart People

Scientists Explain Low Socialization Among Smart People    

In many cases, intelligent people are related to less social interaction and even more social anxiety. A study has shown that smarter people are better likely to adopt the tasks of modern living on their own, this is more likely to leave the group to continue on their own. Click here for more details.


Delivering Your Best On A High-Pressure Situation

Delivering Your Best On A High-Pressure Situation    

Must of the people are certain that they perform well in a stressful situation. Perhaps they are more productive, but the products they create are usually worse. This is because stress creates a negative effect. However, the overachievers have learned how to mitigate these negative effects. Check some of the tactics to do this. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Study: Men With Anxiety Are More Exposed To Cancer

Study: Men With Anxiety Are More Exposed To Cancer    

A study has found out that men with anxiety have twice possibilities of dying from cancer, compared to those who have no anxiety. The study even considered all the causes that promote cancer, such as alcohol, smoking, and chronic diseases. It also found that women with severe anxiety were not related to a greater risk of cancer. Additional information click here.


Chronic Pain Related To Blood Disorders And High Blood Pressure

Chronic Pain Related To Blood Disorders And High Blood Pressure    

Pain Can Be Incapacitating, Affecting The Patient’s Normal Development Of Daily Activities    

According to a study, chronic pain affects a patient’s wellbeing, and in some cases, it can be so incapacitating that it will seriously limit the daily activities. This can result in mental issues, such as anxiety and depression, and respiratory diseases, cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure, and diabetes. More Information click here.


Using Weighed Blankets Found For Better Sleep And Less Stress And Anxiety

Using Weighed Blankets Found For Better Sleep And Less Stress And Anxiety    

The Give The Impression Of A Deep Hug And A Sensation Of Security    

Weighted blankets are a new trend in improving sleep and anxiety. They can weight from 4 to 25 pounds, and the users say it gives the impression of a hug and a sense of security. According to a study, users with moderate insomnia report improved sleep and fewer movements after two weeks of use. Anxiety sufferers also reported lower anxiety in more than half of the cases. These blankets offer deep pressure stimulation, which is a form of touch that seems like a firm hug or a massage. Research on deep pressure stimulation has found positive results in calming adults and children with autism, anxiety and attention difficulties. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

What Is Exam Anxiety?

What Is Exam Anxiety?    

Exams are a source of anxiety in students. However, there are cases in which a real fear shows up, in which stress affects seriously the student’s wellbeing. It is based on the thought that failure will have great consequences, along with the lack of confidence in the ability to pass the test. The cases have increased as a result of the higher frequency of exams. More info click here.


Interesting Habits For Staying Young

Interesting Habits For Staying Young    

Most people wish to stay young. Fortunately, there are habits and attitudes that will help more than plastic surgery or anti-aging treatments. Among these are enough sleep, staying away from sugar, exercise and lots of water. More Information click here.


These Behaviors Will Help Destress Your Life

These Behaviors Will Help Destress Your Life    

Yoga and relaxation are always advised to reduce stress. However, there are also alternate ways to deal with it. Among them are eco-therapy, in which you exercise and interact with nature, outdoors. Others are liberating your mind by putting feelings into words, reading fiction and doing things that make you feel good, among others. Click here for more info.


Monday, June 8, 2020

Good Posture Boosts Confidence In Anxiety-Inducing Activities

Good Posture Boosts Confidence In Anxiety-Inducing Activities    

On The Opposite, A Slumped Posture Puts The Body In A Defensive Posture, Affecting Performance    

Good posture not only aligns the body and provides proper support for the core and the spine, preventing back pain and neck and joint pain. It also gives us confidence. In other words, it not only reflects what others see in us but also affects how we see ourselves. A study related to math problems was performed on a group of students. When the sat in an upright position, they had less difficulty solving the problems, as opposed to other students who sat in a slumped or slouched position. According to the study, slumping is a defensive posture, which distracts the brain, making it underperform, and also triggers negative memories. Also, the posture affected how the students felt about the test, rather than the test itself. According to specialists, a poor posture sets the body in a defensive position, which could increase the sensation of anxiety. It can also affect not only tests but other anxiety-inducing activities, such as a job interview. A good posture could also give more confidence to athletes, public speakers, and musicians, among others. More Information click here.


How To Treat Dog Anxiety

How To Treat Dog Anxiety    

Anxious dogs can result in a problem for their owners. This can be related to the destruction of property and aggression. A veterinarian will help you detect the origin of this anxiety and discard if there is a medical issue. If this is not the case, the dog will require special training. More info click here.


Certain Sounds Cause An Extremely Negative Reaction To People

Certain Sounds Cause An Extremely Negative Reaction To People    

It Can Produce Anger, Anxiety, And Even Hypertension And Higher Heart Rate    

There is a condition in which people react negatively to certain sounds. It is called misophonia, in which people overreact to determinate sounds, such as slurping drinks, tapping the fingers, or keyboard clicks, among others. Their reaction is disproportionate, and people are aware that they cannot control it. According to specialists, this aversion develops in childhood and gets worse over time. The reaction includes emotional responses, such as anger and anxiety, and also physiological responses, like hypertension and higher heart rate. It can also be caused by other conditions, such as tinnitus, OCD, or eating disorders. Consequences in sufferers include avoiding social situations and broken relationships. Additional information click here.


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Scientific Advice To Get Rid Of Stress, Fear And Anxiety

Scientific Advice To Get Rid Of Stress, Fear And Anxiety    

Stress and anxiety can be controlled by yoga or mindfulness. However, scientific research offers a series of alternatives. For example, deep breathing activates relaxation, exposing gradually to the things and situations that promote stress, will also help. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Friday, June 5, 2020

Identifying The Signs Of Anemia

Identifying The Signs Of Anemia    

Among Them Are Poor Concentration, Headaches, Altered Heartbeat, Insomnia, And Hair Loss    

Anemia is a common blood condition in which there is a deficit of healthy red blood cells in your body, lowering the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen and nutrients. The most common form is iron-deficiency anemia, which is not fatal but can be a symptom of a more serious condition. Among the signs are skin paleness, due to the lower concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, making the blood less red. Low blood oxygen also affects the brain, altering the mood and concentration, and unexplained headaches. The heart also suffers, because it has to work harder to deliver the blood through the body, which alters its heartbeat. This causes exhaustion, which can lead to insomnia. Another sign is hair loss because the blood vessels in the hair follicles are not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients. Check all the signs of anemia. Additional details click here.


How Successful Managers Work Efficiently

How Successful Managers Work Efficiently    

The actual job demands require paying attention to the phone, email, instant messaging, among others, which deplete our energy.  Successful managers know how to handle their time. Among these tips are working with a short to-do list, manage your emails in batch, not when they arrive. Also, schedule breaks, eat and move, and avoid multitasking, finishing one activity at a time. Additional information click here.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

How To Treat Dog Anxiety

How To Treat Dog Anxiety    

Anxious dogs can result in a problem for their owners. This can be related to the destruction of property and aggression. A veterinarian will help you detect the origin of this anxiety and discard if there is a medical issue. If this is not the case, the dog will require special training. More info click here.


Learn The Correct Use Of Deep Breathing Technique To Control Stress

Learn The Correct Use Of Deep Breathing Technique To Control Stress    

It Turns Off The Nervous System Responsible For Stress Signals And Activated The Other Nervous System That Sends Relaxation Signals    

One of the ways to control anxiety is through breathing techniques, but the reason is not clear for most people. Excess anxiety and acute stress activate the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for all the physiological stress symptoms, such as an increased heartbeat, faster breathing, and sweating. These are caused by the release of the hormone cortisol. Which puts the body in a fight or flight state. On the other hand, the parasympathetic nervous system allows the body to relax by signaling that we are safe. Therefore, the idea is to turn down the sympathetic system and activate the parasympathetic system, which can be done breathing deeply, with the exhaling longer that the inhaling. Learn about all the tips about using breathing to beat stress. More info click here.


Under A Stressful Situation, People Have A Better Capacity To Respond To Bad News

Under A Stressful Situation, People Have A Better Capacity To Respond To Bad News    

In A Calm Situation, People Tend To Accept Good News And Reject The Bad Ones    

According to researchers, stress and anxiety simplify the fact of dealing with bad news. The reason is that most people have a natural reaction called optimism bias, which results in being attracted to good news, rather than bad news. This makes people more disposed accept positive information into their beliefs, rather than negative information. This helps with maintaining a good mood, motivation, and a positive attitude in the workplace an in life, among others. The downside is that this attitude can also cause people to underestimate serious risks. However, in the presence of a stressful or anxious situation, this optimism bias changes, people have a better capacity to accept bad news in comparison to their optimistic counterparts but were also capable of responding normally to good news. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Study: Positive Effects Of Nicotine In The Aging Brain

Study: Positive Effects Of Nicotine In The Aging Brain    

Tobacco and smoking are bad for health. However, a study has found out that nicotine, as an independent ingredient from tobacco, could protect the aging brain, reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Additional info click here.


Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression

Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression    

Stress And Depression Can Be The Cause Of A Poor Digestion Or Bloating    

Studies have shown that one of the causes of stress is bad digestion. This is because there is a strong relationship between the brain and the digestive system. For example, just thinking about a delicious meal can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice before the food arrives. Also, excess stress or depression can also affect the digestion, resulting in bloating, abdominal pain or loose stools. The connection goes both ways, so irritable bowel syndrome and poor digestion can lead to anxiety or depression. Click here for more information.


Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids

Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids    

Sometimes parents are in an anxious situation. Unfortunately, there are cases in which this anxiety is reflected in their kids. There are ways to avoid this. One of them is not projecting the parents’ experiences of the kids. Also, not describing situations as a source of anxiety or scary, unless the child does. Check all the ways to avoid anxiety on kids. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind    

It Affects Respiration And Causes Back Pain, Headaches, Mental Stress, And Acid Reflux    

A poor posture not only affects the musculoskeletal system, leading to back pain and joint pain but also can harm other parts of the body. It prevents proper respiration, because of the position of the diaphragm. Also, the stress on the neck can cause headaches, hip and lower joint pain due to the muscles imbalances due to poor posture. Slouching also causes organ compression in the abdominal area, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn, and the body has to make an extra effort to digest food. Another consequence is the physical and mental stress caused by the misalignment of the body, leading to pain and loss of motivation. More Information click here.


Neurons Can Rewrite Traumatic Memories, Reducing Fear And Anxiety

Neurons Can Rewrite Traumatic Memories, Reducing Fear And Anxiety    

This Is Done Through A Process Called Exposure Therapy    

Traumatic memories caused by stressful events can stay in the mind, resulting in depression, chronic anxiety, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There is a way of removing these memories, called exposure therapy, in which the patient is re-exposed the distressing stimulus in a controlled environment, breaking the relation of fear or anxiety. This therapy works on a cellular level, in which the neurons rewrite traumatic memories. However, researchers are not certain how neurons store the traumatic memories. They have associated the reduction of long-lasting trauma with the activation of the same neurons involved in memory storage located in a part of the hippocampus. These neurons are used for memory retrieval and abatement of fear. Also, the brain seems to generate new neurons, a process called neurogenesis. In tests with laboratory animals, scientists could review that certain neurons were active in the presence of fear, but decreased their activity after exposure therapy. Additional details click here.


Avoiding Anxiety As A Result From Arthritis

Avoiding Anxiety As A Result From Arthritis    

Arthritis is a condition in which affects joints and limits mobility. These issues can also cause mental distress, in the form of stress and anxiety. The arthritis symptoms cause frustration, but there are tips to overcome this, like staying active, checking and treating the pain, and have the right diet to fight inflammation. More details click here.


Monday, June 1, 2020

If You Feel Tired And Are Forgetting Things, You Might Have Brain Fog

If You Feel Tired And Are Forgetting Things, You Might Have Brain Fog    

Sometimes we cannot find the right words, feel fatigued, or have the sensation of being mentally overwhelmed. These are the signs of brain fog, which is caused by poor sleeping, poor diet and inability to control things at work. These result in a chemical imbalance in our brains. The three main chemicals, cortisol, dopamine, and serotonin which keep us focused, calmed, energized and inspired, are out of sync. How to deal with this? More Information click here.


Finding Out What Triggers OCD

Finding Out What Triggers OCD    

A study has found out that OCD – Obsessive-Compulsive disorder – is triggered by fear about the kind of person one might be. This means they are afraid about the possibility of not being a kind person, or perhaps a cray or violent person. Click here for more details.


Identifying Social Anxiety In Kids

Identifying Social Anxiety In Kids    

Social anxiety in kids is usually confused by shyness. There are several signs that might help you identify it, such as having difficulties in talking to other kids or adults, excessive worry about their appearance, that they will do or say something embarrassing, or what other people think about them. Additional details click here.